Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s Spec Ops missions don’t have a lot to offer story-wise, but they can be quite challenging, even with friends in co-op. If you’re interested in what the Fair 2 side missions are and how to complete them quickly, this guide has all the details you need. Bring someone you trust and stock up on snacks.
Modern Warfare 2 Spec Ops Mission List
Good news: You don’t have to complete the campaign or meet any other thresholds to access the Modern Warfare 2 Spec Ops mission. Jump on any mission available solo or with a buddy in online co-op mode.
Here is the mission list for Modern Warfare 2 Spec Ops:
- low profile
- forbidden area
- Defender: Mount Xayah
The current selection is very short, but the Spec Ops mission is Modern Warfare 2 Prestige SystemAnd hey, there are also some cosmetic rewards waiting for you in exchange for your time. This is a great plus.
low profile
Modern Warfare 2’s low-profile mission takes you to a secluded map and extracts three radioactive weapons. Once your objective is accomplished, you must leave the location with the help of a friendly helicopter. Arguably the most streamlined of all Spec Ops missions, but as always, keep in mind There are a few things to keep in mind.
First of all, stealth is definitely encouraged, but not required. Choose your weapon combination freely in the helicopter before disembarking. I used assault rifles and snipers. Additionally, you don’t have to worry as much about ammunition in this Spec Ops mission as you would in the rest of the missions. There are a lot of enemies around, so be sure to get loot after defeating them.
As for the objectives themselves, the game automatically marks three spots on the map that you can enter in any order. Although the locations are randomized, the steps to obtain each of the three radioactive weapons are always the same.
Once in the marked area, use the Geiger counter to pinpoint exactly where the object is. If the counter shows 80 or higher, you’re headed in the right direction.
There are many lasers, so be careful. When approaching an object, keep Nightvision Google on and use the prone position to stay under the laser. Then just operate the radioactive weapon and you are set. The laser goes off once so feel free to explore with your feet, else he will repeat this in two spots to complete the mission.
There are two additional factors to keep in mind for this Modern Warfare 2 Spec Ops mission. First, you’re likely to encounter a Juggernaut, an LMG-equipped bullet-sponge enemy. Stay out of range as much as possible and use grenades you’ve kept handy throughout the mission.
Second, you can expect multiple enemies to come after you as you head towards the extraction site. The same is true for waiting times for helicopters to arrive. Thankfully, there’s a second friendly chopper to provide some assistance, but make sure you have some spare ammo. Keep an eye on the helicopter and hop on its back as soon as it lands. This has to be done manually.
forbidden area
A stealth approach is highly recommended when it comes to Denied Area missions in Modern Warfare 2, especially at the beginning. The first enemy you find is in a small lookout next to the road, so you’ll need a weapon, so kill them silently and loot the lookout itself.
The objective here is to destroy the SAM turrets around some spots on the map, which you can tackle when they spawn. The biggest problem is that you will always have a lot of enemies coming your way. As a result, running around in search of cover can run out of ammo.
Expect a few enemies using turrets or grenade launchers. For that purpose, the sniper’s rifle is essential, but it is also an effective strategy to approach and be invisible to close the distance. Once you’re close to an enemy, kill them at point-blank range and focus on the turret. Also, each location you visit has a post with weapons and other supplies. It’s a good idea to at least get him one missile his launcher, as you’ll soon be facing a helicopter.
On the positive side, there are a lot of vehicles around, so be careful to run out of the area quickly after taking care of the turret.
Defender: Mount Xayah
If you want to face waves of enemies without worrying about objectives, Modern Warfare 2’s Defender: Mt. Zaya is for you. The task at hand requires defending multiple spots from six waves of enemies, centered around a small map with a shop and a weapon post in the middle.
The first wave is pretty easy and you only have to care about one place to defend. It gets more and more intense until the last wave defends all zones at once. increase. They will be waiting for you as soon as you arrive, so use grenades to raid them and take out the rest.
Each wave is going to leave you money, I recommend you use it in the store. Of all the options available, buying the Self-Revive Kit is never a bad idea , reinforcements are important here. Friendly AI is pretty capable, which is amazing. Use it to your advantage.
Additionally, your fellow soldiers will remain with you during subsequent waves unless they are defeated. Try to interact with the station. Earn bonus cash by ending the purchase period early.
Enemies usually drop from helicopters, so destroy them before they land. Additionally, some enemies will shoot you while prone on the roof, so keep an eye on the roof. In my experience, this happened in later waves, but it’s still worth remembering. And actually recharge your weapons before a new wave starts. I don’t think my partner will forget me anytime soon.