Hearthstone’s new expansion, March of the Lich King, introduces an all-new class with the long-awaited arrival of Death Knight. But as usual, it provides some new tools for existing classes. This includes a series of synergistic cards centered around Shaman with big, sturdy minions to dominate the battlefield until late in the game. GameSpot said he’s not one or two, four All these cards seem to work well together.
In the current meta, Shaman is usually focused on small minions like Murloc and midrange decks. This class is used to big minions, but they’ve randomly borrowed big minions from other classes, usually using the evolution tool. This new package gives Shaman some high cost tools to call your own. foreknowledgeThis 4-cost spell is built to fetch big minions, but you get the advantage of small taunt minions until you can deploy a power hitter.
And what can such spells grab? Two new big minions debut in this set. Brightblood Berserker A large Taunt minion with Reborn and Lifesteal that damages enemy minions whenever it dies, healing you in the process. It’s a big effect on its own, and comes with new undead synergies. Then comes a new Legendary Shaman. Overlord Dracula large minion with Rush and Wind Fury, which has the effect of summoning minions it attacks and kills. Yuchi.

This is a lot of power packed into two cards.But if you want a serious one-two punch at a big discount, you can use the new spell from the other sideThis 10-cost shadow spell summons copies of all minions in your hand, attacking each one before killing them. For the Blightblood Berserker, this means he gains the immediate benefit of attack and Deathrattle lifesteal, leaving him standing as a Reborn minion with Taunt. For Overlord Drakuru, this effect negates his Windfury, but leaves a copy of the one he killed.and from spell summoning copy You can play the original minion from your hand at any time instead of pulling out the minion in your hand completely.

Hearthstone’s March of the Lich King expansion launches on December 6th. It launches with a new core set of his 68 Death Knight cards that use a new rune system and the introduction of new undead minion types. Pre-orders for the Lich King Bundle are now available. While you wait for the expansion, you can check out all the Lich King’s march cards revealed so far.
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