Switch icon lovers will soon have something to celebrate. Digital Eclipses’ excellent Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection will soon be updated, and as part of that update, the game’s Switch icon will also be revamped. increase.
Now, we know that some of our lovely readers, like us, are pretty fussy about Switch icons. It deserved to be a little better than the one. Luckily, Digital Eclipse is listening and the next update will also give Switch owners a new menu his icon.
Developers have admitted that this was highly anticipated change on twitter After confirming that host a live stream To show off some “improvements” coming to the retro compilation:
“Yes, for those of you who didn’t like the Switch icon in TMNT: The Cowabunga Collection, the tile will be the main logo instead once the title update is applied.
I heard. we are always listening to you ”
The new icon looks pretty cool, right? It’s like box art for a game, something that many developers and publishers want these days.the original was not terriblebut says it ruffled some rat hair.
For those who haven’t seen it yet, the current (soon to be discontinued) icon is a pretty colorful screen decoration with all four turtles. But there was no title, no logo. The icon is designed to look like a small button that sinks into the Switch’s white background.It didn’t work when the Switch screen was in dark mode.
Then that’s it! We don’t know exactly when the update will drop, but considering Digital Eclipse will show some tweaks tomorrow at 11am PT / 2pm ET, the Switch’s screen looks just a little better. I feel it will get better. soon.
What do you think of the original logo? Are you happy with the change? let me know!