I want to write something cynical about Christmas, but I’d rather not. I’m stranded at the airport in New York and hope this isn’t her second flight canceled before returning to her family. Certainly, a canceled Christmas at home means that Christmas at my apartment will go well.
On my personal substack page, I’m making an advent calendar of Christmas songs. I do it as a way of celebrating one of the few odd things that brings me joy, and because I want to read whatever I write to be a dreaded chore. It’s a song that barely manages to scratch the surface with actual video game Christmas shit.
So let’s go. The best video game Christmas albums, this does not include his amazing remixes of Rush Coil’s 8-bit Christmas and other albums. There are dozens of great albums like this that are worth exploring for the holiday season. Below is the official release, or at least the official part of the official game. However, I found it oddly difficult to find licensed video game Christmas albums. If you have them please send me more! Or don’t! I’m not going to fight you
pacman christmas album
Hooooooooo. What is this official album? Short. I have something to say. But there’s something very nasty about every song here. No, it’s terrifying. Half the album sounds like it was written and sung by a child dying of a fever staring at a picture of Pac-Man. There are also some perverted stalkers going on with ghosts. This happened. Wait until “one day is more important”. Bop of the Decade.
pokemon christmas bash
Before you ask why that’s the case, this album starts off with a low-tempo rap song for kids! I’ll give the album this: Most songs stay on theme. will not be They’re still not great! But Brock singing about Pewter City is worth the whole trip.
Christmas Nights – Soundtrack
This feels like a cheat. If you go to Christmas Nights, we’re really reaching out and digging deep. But look – it was a real video game. It’s your quotes, not your quotes!), a collection of Christmas music in one place on one topic. Plus it’s fun. Jesus Christ.
Christmas Collection Music from Square Enix
This album takes a while to really get going, but once it’s done… it’s exactly what you’d expect! and other bells (?) But let’s be honest. If you’re reading this, the anything-mashed-up chocobo theme is probably right up your alley.
Parasite Eve Original Soundtrack
Okay, I’m having a hard time here. If Die Hard is a Christmas movie because it takes place around Christmas time, Parasite Eve is a Christmas game for the same reason. Nevermind, I’m stupid. Skip to the next one.
Christmas in the Stars: A Star Wars Christmas
Anyway, Star Wars ended up being a video game franchise, so it’s not like it doesn’t count. In the Star Wars era, no one really cared. There’s something goofy and fun here.
Bonus Bonus:
you deserve it.
Merry Christmas.