During Aka’s journey, she brought three things with her. A letter from a distant friend, a sword that vowed never to mutilate, and a past torn apart by war. red, developed by Cosmo Gatto and published by NEOWIZ, is a life sim about a veteran whose next quest is to find inner peace. However, when facing your inner demons, adjusting to island life, or dealing with pesky bugs, the path to getting it can feel out of reach (no, find it in the garden). (not just the types that are available).
The only wish of Aka’s friend Tom, who escaped from the battlefield of “Great War” and arrived at Pine Island, is to take care of Aka. He provides his noggin with knowledge of a cozy place to call home, species and a small garden to our anthropomorphic lesser his panda friend, and a small but serene open world to explore. present it to him
As a new chapter in Aka’s life begins, you, the player, will take matters into your own hands. The story is non-linear, so you’re free to play the game at your own pace and focus on every aspect of the game: gardens that nourish the land and animals, clean up islands strewn with trash, traps, or a few more. Play card games, marble mazes, and show off your rhythmic skills with cool koalas on the beach before watching clouds, swimming with monkeys, and baby dragons. I feed them.
Akazu Agricultural systems are inspired by permaculture. Sustainable gardening is like an art form in which garden design and management correlates with the health of harvested crops. For example, planting onion seeds next to carrot seeds will drive bugs out of both plants. You’ll need to gather resources around the island to co-create the tools your blacksmith needs to tend your garden.Unlike popular sims like stardew valley When Animal Crossing: New Horizons, no need to grind for the benefit of materials and harvested fruits and vegetables! These tasks may require more effort than necessary. Positioning yourself perfectly to plow the soil, plant the seeds, and harvest the crops is a challenge in itself. When traversing islands, the framerate may drop slightly.
Life sim game typical activities aside, Aka shines brightest through the stories shared by the island’s inhabitants. Some of them are ghosts haunted by the past. Just like Aka, you must confront them and make peace with them before proceeding. By sharing her stories and experiences, Aka comes to terms with her own traumatic past, which drives the story forward.
The game progresses by completing quests. Players receive quests only by interacting with the world around them. There are few incentives, but the more you clear the quests, the cleaner and more beautiful the island becomes, and the deeper the trust and bond you have with the residents of the island, the closer you get to meeting them.・ Face and face the traumatic past. Unfortunately, the quests are pretty much the same on every island, so it gets pretty repetitive.
red Even when thoughtful, they rarely hold hands. For example, his RPG-like card minigame, which is turn-based, can be confusing on first playthrough due to the lack of a tutorial. Sure, after a few games, an image of a yellow circle with a number showing weapons, hearts, and how many points you can spend per turn makes sense. It would have been nice to have! red We also missed a great opportunity to use the Nintendo Switch’s gyroscope feature in the mini-game marble maze. The player must tilt the stick that controls the box in different directions to guide the marble into the hole.
The Nintendo Switch’s button layout feels like an afterthought and the UI is extremely awkward to navigate. Opening the inventory can freeze in an unfixable animation unless you enter/exit a building or completely restart the game. You may also find yourself traveling to a not-so-secret area of Pine Island. Life after retirement doesn’t have to be this stressful. Thankfully, a patch was recently created that fixes some of these issues.
Its gameplay is tainted with technical issues, but beautiful watercolor cutscenes, a Ghibli-inspired art style, and meditative music in a lush isometric environment set the tone and lend themselves to the atmosphere .
whole, red A solid take on the Life Sims genre, true in that it’s casual and cozy, rather than a more time and resource management game to manage time and resources like other games in the same genre. is approaching. The plot is simple and very moving, but it falls short of the promise of peace (that is, for the player). So if the game needs more maintenance, it will be difficult to find it for Aka.
red Available for $12.99 on Nintendo’s official website and the Nintendo Switch eShop.
Post review: Aka (Nintendo Switch) first appeared on Pure Nintendo.