Torplans zero wing “It’s the game that spawned the classic (ancient, even) meme of”all your bases are ours’ And now it’s live on Steam for easy access on modern hardware.As you might have guessed, the game’s store page references the beloved meme zero wing Born decades ago. However, this release does not contain these memes due to the wrong version of the game. husband!
The original arcade version of Toaplan, which appeared on Steam yesterday, zero wing Ported and re-released for modern PC by Bitwave Games from 1989. And it’s so’s always nice to see Old games re-released, preserving our history while getting more people to play. but, zero wing— A fairly common space-based shooter for its time — The only real reason anyone remembers it is that the Mega Drive (Sega Genesis) port contains some really hilarious, poorly translated dialogue It was because Memes that were popular online over 20 years ago(Side note: The meme is of drinking age.) Even the Steam page zero wing I will refer to all of these directly and also twice.
unfortunately, Steam version zero wing Contains only the original arcade release, not the meme-filled Mega Drive port.Technically, this is the more playable version of the game, and while it’s certainly nice to have, it seems odd not to include the version of the zero wing If it weren’t for the Mega Drive version’s legendary contributions, I don’t think I’d be here writing the story. zero wing In the year of the lord of 2023.
I first noticed the lack of this meme in a tweet from giant bomb Co-Founder Jeff GerstmannA few others have also noticed this discrepancy. In one of his negative Steam reviews, he explicitly points out, “There’s not even an intro cutscene that the store page mentions memorized.”
And that’s the real problem.If someone wants to go and re-release zero wingI don’t think many people would care too much if an arcade version of was released to Steam. But using the classic store page meme as a selling point for this port feels a little misleading.
Kotaku We have reached out to Bitwave Games for comment.
But fans of All Your Bases Are Ours may still have hope.upon Zero Wing”Community page on Steam, the developer replied In response to criticism for the lack of cutscenes, he suggests that it may be incorporated in some form in the future.
Alongside zero wing Yesterday Bitwave also released a Steam version of the classic Toaplan arcade game Traxton, out zoneand twin cobraAll in all a great game, but not very strong in terms of memes.