of diablo 4 (opens in new tab), Earn prestige as you work to complete each major zone on the map. In Diablo 4 Beta, earn renown in Fictitious Peaks by unlocking waypoints, Lilith’s Altar, and clearing side him dungeons.
Fame is basically a reward track for character-specific bonuses and account-wide bonuses for completing objectives within an area. Here are the prestige reward tiers available in the Diablo 4 beta so far:
- 200 Fame: Bonus XP, 3,000 gold, 1 extra skill point for all characters
- 500 Fame: Bonus XP, 10,000 Gold, 1 potion charge for all characters
- 800 Fame: Bonus XP, 25,000 gold, 1 extra skill point for all characters
To see your current Fame, press M or Tab to view the main map, then press W to “Show Rewards”. This is also where you claim these bonuses when you reach the required Fame total.
The last two reward tiers are locked until you reach World Tier 3 (Nightmare mode becomes available after completing the campaign in full launch). Earn 60,000 gold and up to +80 muttering obor (opens in new tab) Capacity at the 4th prestige tier, 150,000 gold and +4 paragon points at the final tier.
How to get fame in Diablo 4
In Diablo 4, renown comes fairly naturally just by playing each area. It’s important, however, not to focus too much on lasers, as Fame is rewarded primarily by things outside of the main questline.
- Discovery Area: 5 Fame
- Altar of Lilith (opens in new tab): Fame 10
- unlock waypoint (opens in new tab): Fame 20
- Side Quest: Fame 20
- side dungeon (opens in new tab): Fame 30
- Fortress: 100 Fame
The easiest way to rack up Fame in Fractured Peaks is to unlock all Lilith’s Altars for a total of 280 Fame Points.Strongholds are best saved after leveling up a bit, but Fractured Peaks has three available for a total of 300 renown. Side dungeons take a bit longer, but some are paired with side quests and the main questline, so some complete naturally as you progress. Make sure to complete some easy side quests as well, including very easy quests. spring secret (opens in new tab) puzzle.