American McGee has put the pain and frustration of EA’s rejection of the latest Alice game behind him, and he’s asking fans of the series to do the same.
Earlier this month wasn’t a good time for fans of Maggie’s pessimistic take on Lewis Carroll novels. (opens in new tab)— a project McGee put together with the help of crowdfunding, with the goal of crafting a detailed pitch document to get EA to fund the sequel. Even though the publisher says she’s a “key part of EA’s entire games catalog,” he has not expressed any intention of spinning it off with a third game. .
Alice: Asylum Has Come to an End After weeks of review, EA has responded to funding and/or licensing of “Alice: Asylum” – Alice is on track, but the dream is over #aliceasylum 7, 2023
Naturally, the news hit McGee and his fans quite a bit. At the time, he said that “game production in general” was over, and that he “had no other ideas or energies left to apply to create a new game of Alice. We also wanted to pursue new game ideas within the game.” I’m not even interested in the context of the current environment of game development.” is hoping for
“I understand how difficult this is for many,” he wrote. Patron’s Post (opens in new tab)“I feel the same pain and anger as many of you.” We must accept that it is beyond our control.
He went on to write that giving up was not his choice, writing: Make a decision and move on That’s our power He’s often one of the hardest decisions to make in a situation like this But that’s what we have to do If you back down and fight If you decide to continue… that’s fine. That’s a decision you make. i respect that. And I ask that you respect my decision to move on. thank you”
For now, it looks like McGee is sailing to Australia with some friends. In a bit of his FAQ, he eventually mentioned that he may be back to podcast and stream on Twitch. “It’s too early to make a decision like this,” he wrote. “In general, there are parts of us that want to stay away from the online world.