You’ve already met her, Nora Komar the Witch of the Alley, so it’s no wonder she ends up joining our team of heroes. After taking some time off to regain her sanity, Nora decides to help her out with her fortress and find out what’s behind the crime wave ravaging Mayhem City.
Nora is a very talented fighter, but she can also summon power from thin air and unleash powerful magical blasts from her hands and feet. The alley witch, who is quick, strong, and able to hit enemies from a distance, is coming to the game and brings a lot of cool changes to how you face enemies in the game. mayhem brawler witchcraft update.

You can also use her and all other members in the new Boss Mayhem Mode. In this mode, you’ll face all the big bad guys in the game one after another in new scenarios we’ve prepared for you. Want to be the best in this mode? No worries! This new play mode comes with well-crafted leaderboards so you can show off your best times and compete with your friends.

with mayhem brawler witchcraft The update also made tons of improvements, including rebalancing enemies and attacks and fixing minor bugs found during testing.this is the last update Mayhem Brawlers And for a year and a half we worked hard to make this game the best it could be. From now on, I will concentrate on the sequel, so Mayhem Brawler II: Best of Both Worldsbrings you the best fighting game ever.
See you soon, police officer.

Mayhem Brawlers
hero concept
Mayhem Brawler is an urban fantasy-themed fighting game that brings the atmosphere of the 90’s arcades to life. Comic book-style art and an amazing soundtrack offer a unique experience that lets you work solo or cooperatively with friends, while your choices define the next step in the story. TO PROTECT AND SERVE Dolphin, Starr, and Trouble, the most popular police officers of the mighty law enforcement agency Stronghold, take part in a series of events that will change the fate of the whole while answering the patrol’s regular calls. encounter the event of city. Excessive Power Let’s make one thing clear. If you thought the super-powered law enforcement officer would have an easy day, you’d be wrong. Because there’s a bigger threat to the urban-fantasy-themed Mayhem Brawlers than his street gang. Using combos and special abilities, you and your co-op teammates can lead a miserable life against super-powered criminals, defend against the wrath of werewolves, resist street wizard hexes, and defeat vampires. You have to face the giant corporation headed by the House of Force the villains to do dirty deeds. Hand-painted backgrounds and frame-by-frame animations inspired by the Mayhem Universe comics are combined with an amazing soundtrack to deliver an adrenaline rush to your controller. The choices you make will shape the course of the story, ultimately leading you to one of his three different endings in the Mayhem Brawler Universe. Each corner has a story to tell.