Besides helping run a sushi restaurant and diving to find relics, you’ll also need to catch lots of fish in the sea. Dave the Diver, that too.Must be collected as the story progresses pieces of squid skin. For those unfamiliar, cuttlefish look like small squid and spray ink when injured, so don’t go looking for traditional fish-like squid.
You’ll need some kind of weapon to catch them, and you’ll have to spend some time hunting them in the hope that they’ll drop skin shards. With that in mind, here are places to find and catch squid.
Where to find and catch cuttlefish
Cuttlefish are usually found around 50 to 70 meters deep and start encountering oxygen cylinders and ammunition. They often travel in small groups called congelmentes, which is kind of annoying, but that’s okay. Finding them is not the real issue here. It’s more about how you catch them. It doesn’t take much effort to subdue them, but we want to try to maintain a 2 or 3 star rating, so tranquilizer gun as well as using net gun i wish i could find it.
Unfortunately, finding these weapons takes some time until you have gathered enough resources to craft them. There’s also the issue that squids don’t always drop skin shards reliably. The less damage you do to fish with Dave the Diver, the higher your star rating, and higher star tier fish are more likely to drop skin shards. When you kill a cuttlefish (you can tell right away because the fish are floating and have a little glittery effect) or catch a cuttlefish with a harpoon, the left side will tell you if you’ve looted a piece of skin. If you don’t see it, try again. But watch out for ink attacks.
If you can swim fast enough towards the cuttlefish, fire your harpoon, and land the first hit, you have a very good chance of catching it and getting its skin shards. The only downside is that there are often very aggressive fish near where the cuttlefish are, so make sure you have something to attack the squid.