Like all the “truths”, they are wrong.
The 20 minutes spent on the news this week is solely responsible for our failure to serve the listener email segment. Obviously, Bayonetta 3 and Kirby’s Dream Buffet need to return to the abyss from where they came. Unfortunately, that’s not the case, so we’ll start the show with this E3 Direct.Don’t forget that Nintendo made it both These instead of making F-ZERO games. They are both 100% responsible. Please make a noise in the comments.
After us Roll through That news, we … our hair … we do a new business. John provides the latest information on Diablo Immortal and its ridiculous number of currencies. A few seconds before North Korean hackers wipe it out, it has more currencies than crypto exchanges. And in its current trajectory, it’s about the same real-world values. James is competing for the backlog before Xenoblade 3 goes on sale within two weeks. He has already finished Future Connected and is now starting and completing Paper Mario Origami King. He has thoughts, but they are mainly about the discourse surrounding this game and why some of you are immeasurably wrong.
After a break, Guillaume got the latest information on Citizen Sleeper. Next, he moves on to Carrion, a game of playing tentacle monsters that devour meat. I won’t add any jokes here. Finally, Greg concludes the show with some additional thoughts on Elec Head before talking about Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. He and John dig deeper into working on Sunbreak and how it deviates from previous content.
As always, emails will be sent here.