Reviews of Cult of the Lamb (a game that is both lovable and disturbing) have been published by many outlets. Combining roguelike gameplay with his fast-paced dungeon crawling, critic response to the game has been largely positive so far.
Jessica Howard wrote in a GameSpot article, “9 times out of 10, being a lamb led to the slaughter isn’t the best position to find yourself.” Lamb Cult Review“However, that tenth time is when I’m playing Massive Monster’s Cult of the Lamb, which combines fast-paced dungeon crawling, bold art, dark topics, and real-time simulation elements to bring you the best of all worlds.” A fun and crazy roguelike that creates a one of a kind experience.”
- ゲーム: 子羊のカルト
- プラットフォーム:PC、PS5、PS4、XboxシリーズX|S、Xbox One、Switch
- デベロッパー:巨大モンスター
- 発売日: 2022 年 8 月 11 日
- 価格: $25
何人かの批評家は、そのインスピレーションを受けたデザイン、魅力的なゲームプレイ、およびジャンルを巧みに組み合わせて高速で流動的で楽しい体験を提供する方法でゲームを賞賛しています. GameSpot の姉妹サイトで メタクリティック、Cult of the Lamb は現在、44 件のレビューから合計 84 のスコアを保持しています。 Cult of the Lamb について他の批評家が言わなければならないことは次のとおりです。
ゲームスポット – 90/100
「ダンジョンを探索している場合でも、カルトを拡大している場合でも、体験は楽しく、やりがいがあり、少し気が狂います。これらの各部分が驚くほど密集しているため、すべてのピースがスムーズに組み合わされるという事実は、勝利。」 – ジェシカ・ハワード [Full review]
Destroid – 85/100
“I’m a big fan of roguelite action games and city-building games, but even if you’re on the milder side, Cult of the Lamb is a winning combo. It brings out many of the best aspects of those genres and they a unique world, and charting its own condensed course. The results are hard to put down. It’s a very easy game.Please spread the good word.”- Jordan Devore [Full review]
PC Gamer – 82/100
“Cult of the Lamb is clever, well designed, and the script is sharp and funny. The creature was a wise choice.Intentionally or not, it makes the brainwashing and vague morals amusing rather than confusing. Luke Kemp [Full review]
Game Informer – 80/100
“From the fast-paced dungeon combat that never goes out of style to the factory-like base building that nailed the stress of resource management, it was enough to keep me hooked and indoctrinated.” Wesley LeBlanc [Full review]
“Cult of the Ram is as lovable as it is volatile, an eclectic mix of genres and themes that come together quite nicely. Its relative lack of variety doesn’t give it much, but it’s very satisfying.It’s got the enduring appeal of other roguelike actions, and the ability to build my own cult base and care for a horde of followers. Doing was as much fun as swinging an ax. I may not be able to revisit it now that the credits have rolled, but Cult of the Lamb is something completely different and I absolutely I enjoyed it.” – iTom Marks [Full review]
Polygon – no score
“Cult of the Ram, a roguelike action-adventure game, incorporates grotesque elements into a charming little character package that seems to be drawn straight out of a children’s story. The 2D animation is simple, but snappy. There is a kind of levity, with picture book style illustrations and vibrant 2D backgrounds of revenge, consumption and sacrifice.” Kazuma Hashimoto [Full review]
Rock-paper-scissors, shotguns – no scoring
“Cult Of The Lamb absolutely exudes charisma and excitement in the fewest occasions. You can’t help but be captivated by the loving attention to detail while playing. It might be a little lacking, but it’s enough to keep me entertained while I carefully care for my ever-growing devotees. And of course, sacrificing them for my entertainment. It’s also important. – Ollie Thoms [Full review]
“The Cult of the Lamb is so exciting and engaging at first, but it feels crushed under the weight of its own ambition. It’s a conscientious indie game, and the latest Massive Monster is worth a look if you’ve played and enjoyed its various inspirations, but at least in a way that feels free of bugs and repetitive busywork. cannot fully live up to its promise to control the cult of Jordan Oloman [Full review]
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