Your teen years are arguably the most difficult time in your life. Raging hormones, school, first love, aliens trying to destroy your home and family… Now imagine all this in a time loop that you’re destined to repeat over and over again.
Growing up in the colony of Vertumna, you choose how you spend your time: study, skip, help out there. These decisions lead to the cards in the deck of life’s key moments. Each card has a category and a value, and at the end of each in-game month the deck is used to play a poker-style game to determine how well you did each activity.
All who choose to participate develop skills — there are 15 in all, and these skills open up specific decisions later on. If you want to fight aliens, you must increase your courage and toughness. To cure diseases, you need to increase your biology skill. There are many ways to survive life.
At the end of your teenage years, you lose control of the game and see how the rest of your life unfolded. Then go through puberty again and again. Do you learn from your past mistakes? Are there any major events that could have been avoided by making different decisions? There are so many possibilities to see different events and explore different story branches that it’s very believable There are 50 endings to discover, which can be overwhelming, but one playthrough can be completed very quickly. It’s fun and trying to see all the available endings is fun.
In addition to major plot points, there’s also a whole cast of characters you can relate to.After all, you didn’t just grow up on this alien planet.With 10 dateable characters, There’s a lot to romancing, and some really interesting characters to explore. In addition to birthdays and other information, each has their likes and dislikes for learning.
I Was A Teenage Exocolonist is a delightful visit to adolescence that entreats players to continue living life to the fullest while experiencing everything the game has to offer. It’s a beautiful, artistic game with lots of opportunities for a unique experience every time you play.