After months of revealing drip feeds of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, the latest ScarVi trailer was released today (yes, that’s what we call it, sometimes the best pirate ), promising to fill up with new information to get you ready to explore Pardea.
It sure was a lot packed, but we couldn’t help but feel like we were watching people talk with their mouths full for three minutes. Oh! and a little more e?
It’s safe to say a lot of this came down to how the trailer was edited. Even the fastest readers among us had a hard time keeping up with what felt like a barrage of information.
That conveniently leads to the second editorial issue we had regarding the amount of information given to us. taste that. His three-pass structure for Scarlett and Violet certainly looked very interesting, but keeping these new ideas in your head as the trailer is eager to move on to the next point. became difficult.
Sure, it’s better to be short and snappy than bloated and boring, a bit You will have more time to absorb information here. Our thought process was desperate to keep up with all the new details, but we were confused by the speed with which it was delivered. Oh story! Ok Victory Road is still here. Wait, who’s that big crab boy? Can you send your Pokémon out now? Ok, really big crab boy. car buddy team. Rockman? Was it his belt whip? Oh, shining diamonds!
To be clear, I’m not saying these features look bad — there’s a lot to be excited about here — but to get to where we feel we have now. required a fair amount of extra research… figure out what’s going on. But doesn’t that defeat the trailer’s point a bit?
But hey, don’t take it from us. Maybe I was too distracted by the big crab boy. Perhaps the novelty of riding your Pokémon hasn’t worn off on us yet. What did you think of the game’s latest trailer? Vote in the poll below to find out if the trailer really confused you or if it’s just us!
Once you’ve voted, leave your thoughts on the new trailer in the comments. What are you excited about, what has passed you by? Let’s put it all out below.