Here at PC Gamer, we don’t often report on strictly business-related issues, but Activision Blizzard’s recent article hides some interesting information. Second quarter 2022 financial report (opens in new tab): In the three months ending June 30, more than half of the company’s total revenue came from mobile games, more than PC and console games combined.
Activision Blizzard earned $332 million on PC and $376 million in total console sales during the third quarter. That’s a lot of money! However, in the “mobiles and accessories” category, which Activision Blizzard said “includes revenue primarily from mobile devices,” the company made a whopping $831 million in the quarter. The ‘Other’ category had an additional $105 million in quarterly revenue, which includes revenue from the distribution business and Overwatch and Call of Duty leagues, but added that amount to PC and console revenue. but still not. Enough to exceed total mobile revenue.
This is a big change from the same quarter in 2021, when console and mobile revenues were more closely aligned. Console revenue for the quarter was $740 million, or 32% of his total. Meanwhile, mobile revenue reached $795 million, accounting for 35% of the quarter’s total. PC put him in third place with his $628 million. That’s 27% of Activision Blizzard’s quarterly earnings.
Mobile is also the only platform with year-over-year revenue growth, as evidenced by this comparison. While PC and consoles (and the ‘other’ category) dropped significantly, mobile actually achieved a 5% increase for him. Activision blames “lower engagement on the Call of Duty franchise” for the decline, with World of Warcraft online bookings dropping compared to the same quarter last year (when the Burning Crusade Classic expansion was released) The waning of the pandemic that has benefited home PC and console gaming could also be a contributing factor to the recession.
It’s worth noting that most of Activision Blizzard’s mobile revenue comes from King, a mobile social games publisher that Activision acquired in 2016. ABK Workers Alliance (opens in new tab)Incidentally, King reported total sales for the fourth quarter of $684 million. That’s more than 82% of his total mobile sales of $831 million in the first quarter. It was his 20th consecutive quarter and fifth in the number of game franchises in the US app store. Year.
Still, the results underscore why Activision Blizzard is committed to developing mobile games, despite the backlash from PC and console audiences.Diablo Immortal is a clear case: it’s been heavily criticized (opens in new tab) With 30 million players and an estimated $100 million in revenue, it’s been a huge success. (opens in new tab) Only two months after its release.
Activision Blizzard also said in its quarterly report that Call of Duty Mobile’s earnings were “in line” with the previous quarter. Call of Duty: Warzone (opens in new tab)and Warcraft: Arclight Rumble (opens in new tab) A mobile strategy game currently in testing in limited regions.