Earlier this year, Redfall sparked controversy when it was revealed that the open-world FPS required a “persistent online connection” to play. Arkane now says they are “actively working” on potentially removing the online-only requirement.
Redfall’s co-game director, Harvey Smith, confirmed that Arkane was looking into online-only requirements for an open-world FPS, and although it fell short of a promise that Redfall would be playable offline, the team is working to fix it. said they are working hard to .
Redfall Developers ‘Considering’ Online Only Requirement
when asked by euro gamer Regarding fan reaction to Redfall requiring online connectivity for solo players, Smith said: Movies and their brothers are on different devices. So I think it’s a valid criticism.
“We’re listening. And we’ve already started work to address this in the future. Encrypt savegames and do a lot of UI work to support it.” And so on, some things need to be done… something should be promised, but we’re looking at fixing it in the future and we’re actively working on it.”
I doubt the requirement will be removed by Redfall’s release date, but it may be removed in the future. Either way, it’s nice to see the developers acknowledge fan feedback and try to address it.
Luke loved Arkane’s upcoming FPS during his hands-on impressions of Redfall, stating: My time spent with this game served as a promising early taste for a game that might turn out much better than I first thought. ”
Are you happy that Arkane may take fan feedback and remove Redfall’s online-only requirement? Let us know!