Is it better to give than to receive? why not both? Nvidia’s Black Friday/Cyber Monday GeForce Now deal gives you a free $20 gift card with every $50 gift card purchase. That means you can get 6 months of Priority as a GeForce Now gift, or 2 months or 1 month of yourself in exchange for his RTX 3080 membership for 3 months.
Isn’t it a swell? Of course, you can always gift $20 and get him three months of virtual RTX 3080 games, or make it all your own. Call it a gift to your inner gamer.
That’s less than a million miles away from Nvidia’s deal in October that lets you get a priority membership for $30 for six months. (opens in new tab)If you look at this Cyber Monday price with Priority Membership alone, you can get 8 months for $50 if you have both gift cards for yourself.
GeForce Now is my favorite streaming service. Priority tier allows 1080p RTX-based games at 60 Hz on virtually any internet-connected device. You have priority access to the server, so you don’t have to queue (like in the free version).
However, the RTX 3080 tier enables higher levels of gaming fidelity, including ray tracing, dedicated RTX 3080 servers, 4K HDR and the ability to play up to 120Hz. Your device should be able to accomplish such feats.
This is one of the reasons why the Nvidia Shield set top tube is so great. Not only is it the best Android TV box you can buy, it’s also designed to work with GeForce Now to wreck 4K HDR gaming. I love it so much that I even call it “his ultimate 4K HDR game machine”. (opens in new tab)
However, GeForce Now has its caveats, most of which are library related. This is a PC-based service where Xbox Cloud Gaming is pure Xbox. So instead of playing Xbox games on Xbox-based hardware, you’re playing on your streaming PC. your A Steam or Epic account. This means you can start or continue cloud saves with GeForce Now and continue them later on your gaming PC. But that means it relies on you already having a decent Steam or Epic game library. is enough.
However, it is possible that this is not the case. You won’t see every Steam or Epic game, but it’s enough to mean you don’t want to play.