The world of Meet Your Maker is expanding with the arrival of Sector 1: Dreadshore.
There’s a lot to pack in this release, and since Dreadshore will be our first major content update, we’re celebrating by making the Sector 1 Arsenal Pack free to claim, starting tomorrow through July 10th.
With Meet Your Maker now officially out and about, it’s been a blast watching millions of Outposts come to life around the world thanks to our passionate and incredibly creative community. is. You created something really twisted and we love it.
It’s our job to continue to inspire that creativity, and Sector 1: Dreadshore, with new lore, environments, weapon additions, and cosmetics, is an important step in that direction.
Let’s start with the obvious: Sector 1: What exactly is Dreadshore and what does it include?
“We use sectors to deliver large-scale gameplay updates through narrative,” explains Ash Pannell, Creative Director of Meet Your Maker. “Dreadshore is a place in our world, and every item available from that sector is tied to that story. It helps extend Meet Your Maker knowledge along with the actual gameplay.”
Welcome to Dreadshore
Each sector of “Meet Your Maker” explores new locations on a ravaged planet in its own way.
Located in ruins on the New England coastline, Dreadshore is the site of an abandoned reserve beneath a lighthouse. A number of cruel and disturbing experiments were conducted within the facility, until the clones escaped and killed the out-of-control Custodians and Chimera.
Sector 1: Dreadshore includes new environment and themed deco packs. Both are free and instantly accessible to all players.
“Environment and deco packs give builders the tools to create stories from outposts,” Ash shares. “Unlike Red Sands, Dreadshore is dark, moody, and plays with light. Wooden blocks allow players to imagine many old buildings and constructions.”
new destruction tools
Arguably the most exciting addition to Dreadshore comes in the form of the Sector 1 Arsenal Pack.
Four new gameplay elements not only offer new ways for builders to strategize and concoct unexpected kills, but also provide raiders with their own new tricks for survival.
“Because it’s a system game, every new item has a big impact on gameplay,” Ash says. “Just playtesting this sector has been amazing, and it’s really exciting to see what happens to the in-game meta. Before you start showing it.”
New Admin: Nautilus
The Nautilus represents the lone survivor of the Dreadshore Reserve. This mysterious individual was one of the clones that had been captured and tested. He secretly developed a suit that enhanced his defenses and aided in his escape.
While the other two currently available suits target ranged and melee perks, the Nautilus is all about defensive weapon functionality, and all three of its perks greatly enhance the effectiveness of the Arc Barrier. increase.
New Trap: Sentry Beam
The Sentry Beam was designed by the Lighthouse Sanctuary to keep prisoner numbers in check. Fires a laser beam of super-heated, amplified light into the raider using motion tracking. The laser beam bounces multiple times before dissipating, adding an element of confusion to attacks.
“This trap sounds great. It’s an area denial trap designed to detain unsuspecting players,” Ash explains. “Reflections on walls create a new sense of randomness and help break repetitive play patterns.”
New Guard: Ravager
The Ravager is an unintended consequence of a failed experiment on Dreadshore. Guard recognizes multiple targets when he only has one and fires bolts at each one simultaneously, creating a deadly buckshot effect.
“Think of it as another kind of pattern breaker,” Ash points out. “Ravagers have a horizontal firing range, which makes them very difficult to strafing to evade. Until now strafing has been the way to take down these enemies, so combine it with other guards and traps. Players will have to adjust their playstyles again.”
New Weapon: Demolition Cannon
The Demolition Cannon was developed for warfare, but when global unrest arose, it found use as a deadly crowd control weapon. Essentially a grenade launcher with recoverable ammunition, the Lighthouse Sanctuary stockpiled this weapon as a last resort should the prisoners revolt. Nautilus found and used it during his bloody escape.
From tomorrow until July 10th, don’t forget to visit the PlayStation Store to get the entire Sector 1 Arsenal Pack for free. We hope you enjoy this new content.