Hearthstone’s Auto Battler Mode Battlegrounds is popular even among players who don’t mind regular Hearthstone. On August 30th, Blizzard will launch Season 2 of Battlegrounds. This adds a quest mechanic and his two new heroes, but it also brings a few things that players aren’t as excited about: premium currency and an accompanying premium reward track.
Cash purchases in the Hearthstone Shop will be phased out in favor of a virtual currency called Runestones. Blizzard FAQ (opens in new tab) “Some products, such as pre-purchase bundles, Hearthstone Tavern Passes, and packs (multiple purchases at once) can be purchased with money or runestones.” Premium currency usually corresponds directly to the cost of items in the shop. It will be sold for an amount that does not. This means customers have to buy more than they need. Blizzard states that some Runestone bundles will be sold in “quantities corresponding to major products (such as the Battlegrounds Season Pass),” but the question of what counts as minor products remains open.
Chadd Nervig, Hearthstone feature lead, tried to reassure players twitter (opens in new tab) He explained that the actual price in the shop would not change, and said, “We chose the runestone bundle size to match our best-selling product exactly, minimizing wasted runestones.” rice field. He also explained that having premium currency makes it easier to “sell small products like individual his BG skins and emotes.”
what Players seem to be the most angry (opens in new tab) The Battlegrounds season pass gives purchasers access to the premium tier of the reward track. It cannot be obtained in any other way. (Previously, it was available for purchase with in-game gold earned through play.) There are 4 players to choose from to pay.
“We’re dedicated to maintaining a balance between heroes and gameplay, and choosing from four heroes is more about selectivity than power,” said Blizzard, adding that players Battlegrounds heroes are considered very unbalanced, with Ysera and Heist Baron Togwaggle topping the list. current meta (opens in new tab)as a streamer old guardian (opens in new tab) The breakdown is that choosing between two heroes gives you a 62% chance of accessing a better than average pick, while choosing four heroes from the odds goes up to 86%.
Streamer and Hearthstone beta tester Zeddy 9 minute rant (opens in new tab) Declare the change predatory. “I knew this was going to happen,” he says. He said that Battlegrounds was “the most free-to-play mode ever” and that by selling additional heroes his slots, Blizzard will become “the only true pay-to-win mode in Hearthstone.” will be.”
Given the backlash against microtransactions in Diablo Immortal, you might have expected Blizzard to be a little more cautious about how they roll out changes to monetization for Hearthstone and Battlegrounds, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. It dives into the quagmire of premium currency and the community isn’t happy with it. At least the meme is pretty good (opens in new tab).