According to actor Kumail Nanjiani, 2021’s Eternals got to see Kingo and Eros meet in a post-credits scene. Happy Sad Confused Podcastas picked up by entertainment weeklyNanjiani revealed that he shot a “very different kind of post-credits sequence” for The Eternals to see his character appear on-screen alongside Harry Styles.
Nanjiani was cautious about revealing too many details, but explained that the two characters themselves didn’t really interact. “We didn’t really talk, we just looked each other in the eye from a distance,” Nanjiani explained, adding:
In the mid-credits scene that finally appeared on screen, Harry Styles was introduced as Eros, but Nanjiani did not appear due to the kidnapping of his character Kingo in the previous scene. , also talked about his experience working with Styles on the film, even though they didn’t share a scene together in the end.
“I started hearing growls all over the place and thought it was bullshit,” he said. “I was like, ‘Man from One Direction? No way.'” Then I showed up at work one day and there was gorgeous Harry Styles. ?”
When asked about the future with the Eternals and his character Kingo, Nanjiani was unsure if he would be asked to return to the role.
“I really don’t know if my character will come back,” he said. I want to do it again!”
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