Meta showed off their latest headset, the Meta Quest Pro. It has real-time facial tracking and mixed reality, but it’s also a great value at $1,499. So who is buying this technology for the price of three current generation consoles? Mark Zuckerberg wants to replace his boring work computer with his VR headset.
The new Meta Quest Pro is officially announced (you guessed it) at the Meta Connect 2022 event streamed on Facebook.meta new headset said With four times more pixels than its consumer predecessor, Meta Quest 2, it will be a mixed reality device that acts as an interface screen.
Additionally, the developer has partnered with Microsoft to bring productivity software like Microsoft Windows 365 (Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) and Microsoft Teams to the Pro headset.meta To tell You are trying to create a “new virtual office”.
“Imagine the possibility that the physical and digital worlds can finally interact seamlessly without having to stretch your neck to look down at your phone,” Meta wrote. press releasenoted the disproportionate neck problems among those who own iPhones and Android devices. The Barge soon report The Pro headset is actually heavier than the Meta Quest 2. But at least it doesn’t. Be expected playing beat saber Initialization.
in-vehicle sensor Built-in eye tracking and facial expression trackingThe technology is used to simulate more expressive avatars, but I can’t help but wonder what other companies make money from user data. I intend to handle such information. Mystery is.
VR headsets can be clunky and sweaty places, and many suffer from severe motion sickness. Nonetheless, Zuckerberg seems convinced that companies will pay top dollar to keep their employees in-house. And maybe they will. VR is currently in use Train surgeons, analyze road scenarios for car companies, and design architectures. Maybe I wouldn’t hate it if I had to put on a plastic headset to blog. Hmmm ok. i can’t do this anymore. I absolutely hate it. The company would have to snatch my his MacBook from cold dead hands.
The problem is that updating spreadsheets in Excel and training employees on more hands-on tasks are two completely different kinds of applications. Clerical work requires mental abstraction, but realism is useful for many tasks that require manual work. An interface that is too realistic can interfere with working on your computer.
If your company really hates you, they can order Meta Quest Pro starting October 25th.