of overwatch 2 The Battle for Olympus event kicks off on January 5th, and players are already calling it “the worst event in Overwatch history.” Most of the complaints want the free-for-all mode replaced with his PvE mode so he can enjoy the event with his friends.
What makes Battle for Olympus the “worst event in Overwatch history”?
One big complaint is the reward. The main attraction is the Winged Victory Mercy skin, available in Overwatch since 2017. So many players already have that reward. There is no substitute for players who already own skins.this does not give those players lots of incentives join.
while the player wants play events with friendssome of the main complaints concern the Olympus battle mode itself. In Free For All Deathmatch mode, only seven of the game’s heroes (Junker Queen, Roadhog, Pharah, Lucio, Ramatra, Widowmaker, and Reinhardt) can be selected. All with new skins. Some consider the inclusion of four tank heroes to be overkill. Many players find this mode to be a “no-go”, taking advantage of Roadhog’s overwhelming skills without a suitable character to counter Roadhog’s actions.boring and unbalanced”. Reddit user describes Overwatch 2 Battle for Olympus mode as “like workshop mode From the event” and ” Worst event in Overwatch history”.