If there’s one thing you remember from your high school biology, it’s that the GPU is the powerhouse of your PC. Ask any PC gamer what build they’re running and the first word out of their mouth is usually the name of the graphics card their beast is powered by. Even the CPU, the brain of the whole operation, is often left behind. This is the part where you devote most of your PC spending, bragging, and drooling.
A GPU can also say a lot about what you’re trying to achieve from your build. For example, someone running a tight setup on his Nvidia cards in the 4000 series is looking to get the best without worrying about cost. I also draw on old cards. People with a 1080 can be attractive, smart, and responsible with their money, even if they crave something better.
Steam video card stats (opens in new tab) Get a bird’s-eye view of the PC gaming community and see what’s popular. Now they’re talking about a lot of people eyeing the previous generation mid-range RTX 3060. The popularity of these cards has actually increased as the current generation has rolled out.
RTX 3060 (opens in new tab) Last October it was doing well as one of the fastest growing cards on Steam, but with new card releases, holiday sales and gift giving, those numbers started to decline through November. rice field. It’s not huge, but predictably enough to bring to mind the new generation of cards.
The following months saw a fairly steady 3060 intake, but February saw the highest number since the previous December. His percentage of 3060 users on Steam seems set to increase further as he currently sits in fifth place. popularity on the platform (opens in new tab)This is behind much older cards, comparable 3060 laptop GPUs, and RTX 2060s.
But these numbers don’t surprise me too much. It felt like Nvidia’s 30 series barely saw the light of day before the 4000 series came along. Powerful cards, but the new series are huge, consume a lot of power and are very expensive.
For RTX 3060 (opens in new tab) Under $400 USD, you can buy it with the cheaper RTX 4070 Ti (opens in new tab) It’s still over $800, which makes a lot of sense.Perhaps the 4070 will come at a better price (opens in new tab)but until then, I don’t think we’ll see any rush beyond higher tier enthusiasts to adopt the latest generation.
It’s also a great reminder of what the average PC gamer really does at home.It’s easy to get carried away by the hype of top tier builds and want the most powerful kit but most games don’t really need it the glorious GTX 1060 still holds him in second place only the GTX 1650 surpasses (opens in new tab)Maybe I should show a little more respect for my GTX 1080, which is on the list of more popular than any card in the 4000 series.