Sounds like Sony playstation stars The loyalty program has an exclusive, invite-only fifth tier, but this tier is shrouded in mystery. The company doesn’t put much effort into explaining new services and schemes (especially these days), leaving players to fill in the blanks and work things out themselves. This also applies to PlayStation Stars, which premiered in Asia last week. We’ve already discovered that top members get priority customer support thanks to our Asian players, to the annoyance of fans around the world.
What We Know About PlayStation Stars’ Hidden ‘Diamond’ Tier
Sony originally said PlayStation Stars would have four tiers. However, as reported by Reddit users, the_andshrewdata mined information reveals that there is a hidden fifth layer called “Diamond”. – Discover rewards such as digital collections inspired by Rex tech demos.
“Tier 5 is called Diamond and there are requirements to get there that are listed as invite-only to Diamond level,” reported the_andshrew.A user backed up this discovery by sharing a link to a diamond tier asset Hosted on the official PlayStation websiteUpon reaching level 5, players are apparently given the legendary collectible Level 5 Diorama – Bots Don’t Breathe. The official description says:
There seems to be nowhere to hide in the endless sea of stars. But if challenges like that stop you, you wouldn’t be here.
No further information is available at this time.