The arrival of Wave Race 64 on Switch as part of the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack was greatly celebrated at the Nintendo Life office. These water physics have had the power to impress for almost 25 years and are still treated like a dream.
If you’ve never played the game, or if you’re a PAL gamer and have only played the 50Hz version, give it a try. We recommend that it’s worth subscribing to a higher-tier service, even if only temporarily.
The arrival of this classic on Switch has reignited an old debate. Which is better Wave Race — 64 and his 2002 GameCube sequel Wave Race: Bluestorm?
there is no debate about either appear Best of all, with a generational leap in ‘Cube’s technology that offers a far superior experience with Nintendo Software Technology’s US-developed entry. Compared to Wave Race 64’s chunky polygons—which are even more pronounced on Switch thanks to its high-res output—it looks lovely and primitive.
Still, when it comes to handling, Nintendo EAD’s 64-bit entry still feels nearly perfect. This writer has always preferred the more precise feel of the N64’s thin analog sticks. The analogue mechanics of the N64’s pads — proper sticks! — always felt more responsive to fine-tuning the racing line as opposed to the “ball” style Gamecube equivalent. But it can be the difference between climbing a wave perfectly or crashing into a buoy and ruining the race. F-ZERO X vs GX is the same, but that old chestnut is a separate article.
Both are great games, but which one do you prefer? Let us know by voting below. solve the problem.
Oh, and of course There’s also the original top-down Game Boy racer that started the series in 1992. Don’t get me wrong. Wave Race is a great game on its own (especially when Link has Cable and his three companions). Include it in your vote below. But we have no illusions as to where it ranks on the podium.
Are you enjoying N64 games on Switch? There’s a sneaking suspicion that the game never made it to the first wave of expansion pack games, thanks to Drake Drake and an emulation flaw that messed up how fog and fog effects were displayed on the Switch. In, Nintendo has done its work and improved the emulator. Let us know your thoughts below!