the player PS Plus Black Friday Discounts You can stack a lower tier membership and then upgrade to a higher tier for a $100 cap, saving you more than simply upgrading to a higher tier with a 25% discount. , which is only beneficial for people planning to stack memberships over the years.
How PS Plus Black Friday Discount Stacks and Upgrades Work
As described by a Reddit user hitda crown, your current PS Plus Essential membership will run until 2024, but you’ve taken advantage of the 25% discount offered to stack your PS Plus Essential membership for an additional 6 years from 2024 to 2030. I then upgraded my Essential membership to Extra for a flat rate of $100 (current upgrade cap), saving me over $250 in total. Doing so is neither against Sony’s terms of service nor circumventing the system. It’s a completely legal way to save money, so give it a try.
As we reported yesterday, anyone stepping down from a higher tier to a lower tier will unfortunately be barred from the PS Plus discount. If you are not happy with your Premium/Deluxe subscription, we recommend waiting until your membership expires before choosing a lower tier.