Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp has been a long time coming. Not only was it the first installment in the series since 2008, it was itself plagued with lengthy delays. Now that we finally have time to enjoy these revamped Game Boy Advance titles, was Re-Boot Camp worth the wait? Simply put, it is!
The premise of Advance Wars is simple. Control your army from a top-down perspective. Gameplay is turn-based and both sides can move units each day. Each battle is a tense game of tug-of-war as he strives to achieve one of his two goals: capture an enemy base or destroy all enemy units. It’s a stressful yet fun, addictive premise.
At the end of each battle, you will be given a rating based on your performance. I love this point. Just winning a battle is satisfying, but getting S, the highest rank, makes it even more satisfying. Getting A is are you OKBut if you’re a completionist or a high achiever, it’s a solid incentive to replay and achieve the best overall score.
Combat difficulty is indicated by a star rating. In some cases, as you progress through the story, you’ll be able to choose your battles and take the easier path. Various elements have also been introduced to keep players from getting bored along the way. The Fog of War mechanic, for example, obscures parts of the map in low clouds and doesn’t show where enemies are. The strategy here consists in using certain units with better vision to probe the enemy’s position before being ambushed.
New mechanics are also introduced throughout the experience. Ultimately, you’ll be commanding an air force and navy in addition to your default ground forces. You may be given a limited number of vehicles or troops, or you may be given a special base where you can deploy additional troops for a fee. The game strikes a good balance between these elements, giving each battle a unique feel that makes you want to play it again.
The story is another fun element of Advance Wars. Considering the war element adds a lighthearted tone to what could be more serious. You play the role of Andy, a recruit in the Orange His Star Army. Andy’s team is led by Nell, an intelligent and friendly captain who will recruit you to the cause. Orange Star is all about navigating the world map to free sections from occupying forces and restore peace to the land.
Along the way, you’ll meet other Orange Star members. Friendly banter between battles keeps Advance Wars in its bright zone, complemented by a colorful anime style. Some battles allow you to switch heroes, giving you the chance to try out each one before deciding on your favourite. Each team member has different skills. For example, Andy is an all-rounder, while big, lovable Max is good at melee and weak at long range.
Other modes keep the game going, including a shop with unlockable maps and songs, a design room for building and sharing maps, and even a local versus mode. Online play and gallery will also be unlocked later. That means there’s a lot to do outside of the main campaign.
There are also some improvements from the original title. Most notable is the updated visuals with much cleaner lines compared to the original pixel art style. Of course, the original looked great anyway, so fans may prefer the retro look of his GBA version, but that would be down to personal preference. Still, the clean visuals keep the series up to date and create something that feels much bigger than the original. Each character is also partially voiced, and the bright, chipper actors do a great job of bringing them to life.
The only downside to Re-Boot Camp is that it’s 20 years old and expensive. Yes, a lot of work has gone into honing these classics and the fact that two complete games are rolled into this package is nice, but longtime fans will be disappointed after so many years. Rewarding with new content is great. That said, I had a lot of fun revisiting this world, so if you can get some new fans, it’s definitely worth it.
Overall, Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp is a faithful re-entry into the series for both new and longtime fans. After a long hiatus, it’s great to have Advance Wars back in our lives with updated visuals and voice work bringing the title to life. We hope this outing is the beginning of a whole new adventure for Orange Star.
If you want to learn more about Advance Wars 1+2, check out some of the things we talked about in our recent Pure Nintendo Podcast. gameplay video on our YouTube channel.