In the 15th century, Oda Nobunaga, one of Japan’s leading figures, orders a trio of 21st-century high school girls and ninjas to defeat the demon king. Go save the world with the power of friendship and kisses.By the way, if the title doesn’t give it away, Samurai Maiden is that game type. However, it is a little lighter on fanservice than some of its peers.
The plot is just there. It’s not groundbreaking or terrible. It’s an excuse to get the girls together and make a pretty catchy opening theme. Still, the interactions and banter are funny enough to ignore the general plot.
Most of the fun relies on hit-and-miss gameplay. There are over 24 missions alongside optional quests known as “Bubble Pockets”. You can quickly see the lack of variation in level design. It washes and repeats a very linear path until it reaches a large, sometimes detrimentally small arena where enemies are reskinning each other with more or less similar attack patterns.
However, Bubble Pocket adds variety to the usual formula, with light puzzles and platforming elements that contrast with the overall monotonous main mission. It is also essential for improving your combat skills. In fact, all those far-flung options, like strengthening relationships with teammates, are where the game stands out.
Every time you use your partner’s skills, your relationship with them improves. They’re designed to be comfortable, meaning you don’t have to rely on them too much, as they act as stun mechanics. help. Sadly, these drops, along with the hero’s heavy attacks, make the Samurai Maiden encounter much more frustrating than it should be.