Silent Hill Townfall is a new Silent Hill game developed by Stories Untold studio No Code and published by Annapurna Interactive. It’s not a remake of Silent Hill 2 or a prequel set in Japan called Silent Hill F. When Townfall was announced during Konami’s Silent Hill broadcast, creative his director John McKellen said: Not only does it honor the source material, but it does something a little different with it. ”
He concluded: […] It might be worth rewatching that trailer to see what you missed.” The internet sees it as a challenge and has already discovered some secrets hidden within it.
Most importantly, Redditor u/Milkman EX (opens in new tab) I downloaded the trailer audio as an m4a file and looked at the spectrograph in Audacity and found the following text:The heart of this town stopped (opens in new tab)“.
Pausing the flickering image playing on the pocket TV also revealed the text “THY FLESH IS WEAK” and 3 dots, 3 dashes, and 3 dots.Developer time Nocode tweeted an image of the house (opens in new tab)and publisher Annapurna Interactive also tweeted a similar image (opens in new tab), it was clear that they were not identical @yApth0 (opens in new tab) After subtracting one from the other, I found the Morse code “I DON’T KNOW TO LEAVE”.
spooky. Others put together by the Silent Hill subreddit might be more of a stretch, especially if they seem to reference previous games in the series, like one of the maps 33 seconds after him in the trailer. When the part is displayed, someone says “Is it really Alessa? (opens in new tab)See the characters in the first game. But that’s really blurry voice and maybe wishful thinking.
as it is hypothesis (opens in new tab) The figure seen at 45 seconds is Valtiel, first seen in Silent Hill 3., in shuffle stance and body bag-plastic sheen.
Considering McKellan’s statement that Townfall “respects the source material, but also does things a little differently,” there are too many direct callbacks to the fan-favorite original Silent Hill game. Not to be expected. The teaser’s narrator interviews someone as to why they’re in Silent Hill and initially accepts the answer that they’re here to be punished. Maybe that applies to Townfall itself? That sounds like a good thing to me, especially given how abused Silent Hill 2’s iconography was in later games.
If someone can piece together all the map pieces and figure out where they came from, that’s Ace.