A demo of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 at the PlayStation Showcase hinted at some new attacks and powers for Peter Parker. This is thanks to his shiny new symbiote suit. According to Insomniac Games, players will feel how powerful the game is. spiderman 2 symbiote suit can.
What does the symbiote suit in Spider-Man 2 look like?
Insomniac’s Creative Director Brian Intihar and Game Director Ryan Smith interviewed us. IGN About the iconic costume. Smith said the studio discussed adding the suit to the first game. But the team decided they wanted to expand on this suit and honor what it meant to the Spider-Man story.
“For us, I think the symbiote gameplay is about power and transformation,” said Smith. “What are some really powerful moves? How can you imagine them working together with the symbiote’s tentacles to drastically change the feel of gameplay.”
This suit also affects certain in-game abilities and how Peter fights.
“Symbiote punches will have a large impact on a single target.” [and] A symbiote attack launches a mass of enemies into the air,” Smith said. “And that’s what allows us to shift gears in Spider-Man combat…that’s something we can bring with the symbiote that hasn’t been there before.”
Perhaps most importantly, Intihar said the symbiote suit would feel just as powerful as it usually is portrayed in other mediums.
“We know the expectations for the symbiote are very high and we wanted it to feel different than what you normally see,” Intihar said. “Peter and Miles, many of their move sets are based on fluidity, speed and acrobatics, and the symbiote is power, strength, and aggression, making sure that is represented in terms of gameplay. I think I would have liked to.”