For those of you who remember the 90’s: Palm OS is back.Thanks to the Internet Archive, I can now upload Suite of 569 apps (and still growing) (opens in new tab) From the golden age of Personal Data Assistant. It’s only a soft launch at this point, as many games are missing instructions and manuals, but the depth of what’s going on here is incredible. It’s a catalog of hundreds of apps and games that I thought were completely lost in the fog of time.
The Palm and Palmpilot were basically pocket computers called Personal Data Assistants (PDAs). They were smartphones before smartphones, or “original smartphones,” devices for running productivity apps and business organization on your own.
Also, you may be playing games while you should be in a meeting or class.
To emulate Palm apps, the archive actually loads the entire Palm OS, the software that powered early smart devices. Archivist and historian behind the project, Jason Scott, said: The Barge (opens in new tab) Turns out it only took 6 months to get the CloudPilot emulator up and running on the archive. All hail preservationists working on emulation, and he who carried the torch is a big thank you to the developers at CloudPilot, POSE, and Copilot.
If you’re looking to click for a few hours in a classic late-’90s time-waster, we recommend jumping right in. Archive of PalmPilot games. (opens in new tab) And many other good things. space trader (opens in new tab)an adorable and simple space sim about getting stupid rich and trying to buy a moon to retire.
Honestly, this says a lot about Palm PDA users and the people who wrote these games.