legend of dragoon According to a new report, it will be supported by trophies. His beloved PS1 Classic will be part of his PS Plus Premium game lineup, which is set to go live on Tuesday, February 21st.
Legend of Dragoon trophy list may be added after launch
going to true trophy It claims to have been told by a “reliable source” that Legends of Dragoon will receive trophy support. However, trophies may or may not be available at launch.
“Legendary Dragoon intention I have the trophy,” an unnamed source is quoted as saying. “Hopefully on launch day. If not, soon.”
At the time of this writing, the trophy list does not appear in TrueTrophies or PSNProfiles. If it’s not up by tomorrow, I’m guessing it will be added after launch (if reports are correct).
Fans were overjoyed when Sony first announced Trophy support for the PS Plus Premium Classic. However, adding trophies is at the discretion of each studio. That said, fans haven’t been disappointed so far, with many beloved classics receiving trophy support.
We will update our readers once the Legend of Dragoon trophies are revealed.