short king
of college girl sex life In Season 2 Episode 3, Leighton enjoys sneaking to sleep.
Bella and Whitney go to the gym to work out. There, Bella meets a member of the crew team she dubs the “Shorty King”. They start getting together for sex and Bella gets the idea to write an article for a comedy magazine.
Meanwhile, Whitney tries to dabble in something new by signing up to take biochemistry with Bella. Everyone discourages her, pointing out that she is one of Essex’s most difficult classes. But Whitney is determined to discover hidden talents outside football.
After scoring 62 on the test and half the class dropped out, Whitney decided to stay in the class. She may not be good at biochemistry, but she thinks she has the ability to pass. And she wants to show the annoying man sitting in front of her what she can do.
Whitney is focused on school, while Kimberly only thinks about what it takes to stay in school. She is considering selling her own eggs.
She later finds out that she has a class with her neighbor, Jackson. She spills her fears to him about the possibility of having to leave her Essex, and he realizes where she came from. Like her, he has a hard time fitting in and is afraid to adapt to new places.
After the conversation, Kimberly decides what she wants to do. She called a fertility organization and asked about her egg donation application.
Back at the dormitory, Layton is caught between several girls he has had sex with and has to confide in each of them that he is not dating exclusively.
Leighton’s main focus now is getting into Kappa. But when her doctor told her uncomfortable facts, she realized there was something wrong with her plan. She has chlamydia.
episode review
The application has yet to be finalized, but it looks like Kimberly is about to get the money she needs to stay in Essex after all. Kimberly has not only blossomed in Essex. She seems ready for sparks to fly between her and her particular neighbor.
Of course, aside from Layton’s dramatic discovery, not much else of significance happens in this episode. I wish the writers could come up with something more creative and meaningful than a biochemistry class, but I’d rather see Whitney develop herself and prove others wrong in her life. I hope you can see it.