The latest Street Fighter 6 trailer introduces Lily, a “Thunderfoot descendant” who loves cameras and birds of prey. her profile (opens in new tab)and reveals Street Fighter veteran Zangief and my old Street Fighter 4 main Cammy. it’s the last release 18 character launch roster (opens in new tab).
I never got along very well with Cammy — my game was just ‘helix arrow, helix arrow, helix arrow’, but I like her more in SF4 than any other character in a Street Fighter game. I’m glad she did well because she was good at it. (Fun details: Trailer includes moves Cammy does in Street Fighter 2: The Animated Movie. Game designer @SamanthaZero spotted (opens in new tab).)
There are mixed feelings here, SF6 sounds like a lot of fun, but relationships with Street Fighter usually come with a lot of painful defeats. Since then, becoming proficient at it is a dream that I have repeatedly pursued and given up on. Vowing to get better at Street Fighter 4, at least he practiced for a month, which gave him some proficiency with Cammy.
As you should know, with SF6 on the horizon, I’m feeling the urge to do well with Street Fighter again.Wes loved what he saw when he played Street Fighter 6 at last summer’s event. was He can’t help but be sucked into the charm of Street Fighter. Wouldn’t you like to hear Zangief say things like “My beautiful body is made better” before blowing chalk out of his nostrils?
Street Fighter 6 is set to release on PC and consoles on June 2nd of this year. with steam (opens in new tab) As usual. Even after a positive first impression, I’m still not sure if it will work, but it makes me less uncertain about whether it will work. There is an immersive single-player story mode where you can hide while avoiding stress.