anime in 2021 movie Sword Art Online Progressive Starless Night Aria is a masterclass in the art of creating original stories from familiar material while making them both valuable to avid fans and accessible to newcomers. In the film, director Ayako Kono and screenwriter Yukito Kizawa narrate the first two episodes of 2012. Sword Art Online It reveals hidden depths about characters familiar to longtime fans without new viewers needing to know much about the series. Sword Art Online Progressive Midnight Scherzopremiered in the U.S. on February 3 — all that craft seems to have been abandoned.
Set up a virtual reality MMORPG where 10,000 players are trapped and die if they lose all hit points or try to remove their headsets. Sword Art Online The anime series was adapted from Reki Kawahara’s light novel. In the first season, the in-game player is challenged to complete all 100 levels of his medieval fantasy-esque world if he wishes to escape from the game. Beta has a clear advantage over his testers, Kazuto “Kirito” Kirigaya, but his progress is complicated by other players, including his eventual partner, Asuna Yuuki. .
In the anime series, fans know Asuna as a talented and mysterious swordsman who helps Kirito on his journey back to the real world. Sword Art Online Progressive Starless Night Aria It tells the first two episodes of the anime series from her point of view instead of Kirito’s. Sword Art Online A game to meet friends on a whim: Misumi Tozawa, first appearance of original character Aria.
Throughout their adventures, the writers add great depth to Asuna, especially when she breaks up with Misumi under heartbreaking circumstances. Aria Asuna and Kirito’s first encounter looks much the same as in the TV series. When I think about it, it feels completely different.
and Late night scherzo, Audiences get a predictable, original story in just 101 minutes.In the anime, it is set between episodes 2 and 3, but immediately after that Aria in a starless night, character of late night scherzo Not because Kono and Kizawa revealed anything new about them. Asuna receives the worst downgrade. Originally a child lost in an unfamiliar world, digging deep to deal with betrayal and find the strength to move forward, she’s now been relegated to the status of a clichéd girl.
perhaps If the plot had done something new and exciting it would have been forgiven. Aria: Players fight in a basic fantasy world to reach the next boss. This is a little different than what Kirito experienced in Beta. Ultimately, they defeated him with the power of teamwork.
That’s not enough to justify making Asuna loud and obnoxious Scherzoespecially when she’s clearly crushed by Kirito. A determined warrior. Aria on a Starless Night Dying isn’t the worst thing in the world, and as long as that’s her condition, she’s afraid of ghosts, like sudden death.. Her new timidity isn’t some pretty character detail thrown in for characterization. It’s a huge and essential story element that drives much of the plot forward.
The plot itself doesn’t contribute much to the whole Sword Art Online Story. It’s not an exploration of the fun or horror of games. Sword Art Online the player is trapped Aria To do. Nor does it extend the franchise’s main characters by forcing them to use their game skills in the real world, as the first film did. Theatrical version Sword Art Online Ordinal Scale. Scherzo Instead of getting out of the game, he briefly plays around with the idea of a player-killer who wants to accept the chaos of his situation and use it as an excuse to literally kill other players. was able to give the film its own compelling identity by asking important questions about the ethics of surreal games.
But PK’s story goes nowhere. Also, Misumi Tozawa’s welcomed return only repeats the last lesson learned. Aria on a Starless Night: Misumi isn’t a bad person, but she did bad things, and now she fights to help people to make amends. There’s nothing inherently wrong with the film’s plot, but it lacks subversion, deconstruction, or expansion. SAO made myth Aria Very fun.
The story gets more exciting with a final boss fight that’s phenomenal due to the breakneck pace and huge size of the enemies.The boss mechanics feel like they could exist in a real-world game. But there were few surprises along the way. late night scherzo Feels like an insignificant pit stop simply designed to set the next possibility SAO A movie, without any creative choices that would excite fans about its potential.
If Sword Art Online If you get the 4th movie, you’d better put it back Ariathe approach of, And by focusing on things we’ve never seen before, we’ve revealed more about the world. Another approach is to change the settings according to season 2 of the anime. SAO From Fantasy Game to VR Battle Royale Shooter gun gale online, expanding its world instead.In any case, these theatrical adventures SAO Only worth it if they offer something new. Scherzo Too safe and familiar.
Sword Art Online Progressive Midnight Scherzo It is currently in limited release in American theaters. Check the movie website for details. the first two movies and Sword Art Online The anime is streaming on Crunchyroll.