The Nintendo Switch lifecycle has reached a point where almost anything can appear on the platform. This is great because different games can find and enjoy new audiences. The success of Switch has also made it possible for a large number of mobile games to come to the platform. This is never a bad thing, and there are plenty of great mobile games to enjoy on the Nintendo Switch, but even a very average mobile experience can get you through it. Tiny Troopers Global Ops is his one example of an average experience. As fun as it can be, Tiny Troopers Global Ops for the Nintendo Switch just feels like a mobile game ported to the Switch.
One thing you can really appreciate about Tiny Troopers Global Ops is its simple gameplay. Yes, this comes from the mobile route as the series is known for mobile platforms. Tiny Troopers Global Ops is a twin stick shooter, so moving your character around the screen, aiming and shooting is very easy. You won’t feel overwhelmed by the controls or feel the action is too hard to understand. It always stays at a level that I can best describe as simply being comfortable.
This simplicity also makes playing Tiny Troopers Global Ops with friends a lot of fun. With the Nintendo Switch release, you can play with friends locally or online. It’s always more fun to yell at a friend manipulating a soldier than it is to play it yourself, so that really adds to the experience.Overall, the multiplayer he experience works without major hiccups. That said, I still recommend playing multiplayer online, or local play directly, simply because it’s much more fun to be in the same room when chaos starts to unfold on screen.
Tiny Troopers Global Ops also has a fair sense of humor that ends up being kind of a mixed bag. His one such line that I found amusing was when one of his characters told him to fire at will, when another soldier asked which enemy’s name was Will. It was only There are many other one-liners like this, but this one will make for a good laugh throughout your experience. , getting to hear the same jokes over and over again. By the time you reach the end of the game, it’s very bad if the jokes feel annoying rather than humorous. Still, they were perfect for his good 30 minutes of laughter at the beginning.
Tiny Troopers Global Ops is also a very short and compressed game. Each assigned mission is completed within 4-5 minutes. Again, this can be tied to the mobile his route. 4-5 minutes is optimal for playing on a mobile phone or tablet for the mobile route. The problem with Nintendo Switch is that while the pick-and-play style works on the platform, people usually want a slightly longer experience. The entire game is actually very short. I was able to clear the whole game in 4 hours. That might seem like a lot of time to some, but 4 hours doesn’t sound like it. To be honest, I felt like I was only actually playing the game for an hour or two, so I was even more surprised when it said 4 hours when I won the game.
So what about the replayability of Tiny Troopers Global Ops? Once you’ve completed the game, there’s no reason to go back and play it again. Going back and playing the game doesn’t change anything except simply replaying the mission. There are no bonuses for completing it in a faster time, and no special unlocks for completing it a certain way.
Finally, Tiny Troopers Global Ops is a sleek and simple twin stick shooter. Playing with friends is a much more enjoyable experience than playing alone. That said, we don’t do anything special to make the experience stand out. Due to its short overall length, even shorter missions, and lack of replayability, Tiny Troopers Global Ops is not recommended.