Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredders Revenge is a groundbreaking game rooted in timeless classic brawl mechanics brought to you by Dotem (Street of Rage 4) and the side-scrolling action experts in Tribute Games. Featuring gameplay. Brave your way through gorgeous pixel-art environments and use your favorite turtle to defeat hordes of vicious enemies, each with their own unique skills and moves. Choose your fighter and use extreme combos to take down your opponents and experience intense combat with breathtaking action and outrageous ninja abilities. Shredder and his Loyal Foot Whether you face off against his clan alone or grab the best bud and play with up to 6 players simultaneously, keep your sharp edge!
Turtle Boys Don’t Cut Clan No Slack
In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge, Bebop and Rocksteady raid Channel 6 and steal an ultra-dangerous device to support the Clan and Shredder’s latest twisted plans. The Turtles battle across timeless TMNT locations. From Manhattan and Coney Island, to city rooftops and dank sewers, help his fearsome quartet defeat Foot-His Soldiers, Triceraton Warriors and Rock Troops all the way to Dimension X!
Turtle power!!
Enjoy stunning full-color pixel art graphics and a vintage TMNT feel. All characters, vehicles, weapons, items, and environments are directly inspired by the 1987 TV show, a dope mix of killer humor and action-packed adventures that will make you feel like you’ve stepped right into your TV. !
Embark on a haunting journey into a brutal and breathtaking world warped by supernatural forces.
Fleeing their devastated homeland, Amicia and Hugo travel far south to new regions and vibrant cities. There, they begin a new life and try to control Hugo’s curse.
But when Hugo’s powers reawaken, death and destruction return, and the devouring rats flood in. Forced to flee again, the brothers place their hopes on a prophesied island that may hold the key to saving Hugo.
Discover the price of saving loved ones in a desperate struggle for survival. Strike from the shadows or unleash Hell to overcome enemies and challenges with a wide variety of weapons, tools, and magical powers.
● The sequel to the award-winning adventure A Plague Tale: Innocence
● An epic grounded story twisted by supernatural forces
● Use a variety of tools to stalk, fight, and unleash hell and rats
● Stunning visuals paired with an engaging score