Will a sim game leap from medicine to education earn a gold star or a failing grade?
In 2020, Two Point Hospital became one of my favorite games of the year. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that I gave this game a 10 in my review. Two years later, the team at Two Point Studios ventured into the simulated academic world at Two Point Campus. I have quite a bit of experience on a real college campus, but when I was building a giant robot next to a science room filled with all sorts of explosions and colors, everything went out the window. It will end up. Magic circle potion and spell room. The gameplay itself is on par with Hospital, but Two Point Campus’ Switch performance doesn’t boost your GPA.
The premise of Two Point Campus is that you manage different university campuses by building classrooms, hiring professors, assistants and janitors, and decorating corridors and exterior spaces. In addition to the slightly revised UI, Two Point Campus seems to assume the player has already played Two Point Hospital, as the tutorial is a bit lacking in the former. Nonetheless, it’s still pretty easy to play the game and understand the basics of how to run a campus, and the real fun is the cursed Spiffinmoor and its Eternal Darkness, or Noblestead’s Battle of He It is a campus like the ground and jousting arena. The different themes make each map feel unique, making it a somewhat unique experience even for Two Point Hospital players.
Two Point County’s main map offers a variety of spaces to make your own architectural dreams come true. At each level, achieve goals specific to that particular stage, such as reaching a set campus level, completing a certain number of research projects, or seeing a student achieve his B or A average You can earn up to 3 stars. In addition to the task of unlocking stars, student groups regularly ask for certain objects and facilities. Keeping them happy is key to continued enrollment and academic success. Unlike two-point hospitals, where patients come in for specific diagnoses and treatments and are discharged, students on your campus typically stay in for longer periods to help them grow stronger and happier as they pursue their degrees. I hope to become We can watch them build relationships and hone their skills over multiple in-game grades, so we need to do what we can to keep them paying their tuition.
One of the inevitable feelings about playing Two Point Campus on Switch is that it doesn’t perform as well as Two Point Hospital. The game often hitchhikes when dropping furniture and such, and some menus even have frustrating glitches to navigate. The cursor always jumps back to the previously hovered option. This means that you may choose a room and start designing it before you realize it’s not the room you thought you had chosen. I also experienced some crashes, especially with full maps. Luckily, the game autosaves fairly regularly. Still, all of these concerns compound one another, making for a far less smooth experience than ideal for a genre with a lot of built-in repetition.
The bright red apples on the teacher’s desk at Two Point Campus are the various objectives and scenarios that can be thrown at you. The new maps open up a little slow early on, but it’s been fun to see the new structures and animations gradually added to the building arsenal. It continues to show new things, including some very basic stuff. This makes the game appealing to new players as well as veterans of the Two Point or Theme series alike, as the tutorials are lengthy and create a feeling of not knowing what’s just around the corner. With 12 campuses in all, a full sandbox mode and online him leaderboards, there’s no shortage of fun and interesting content to keep you occupied for dozens of hours.
Rather than being an outright step forward for the series, Two Point Campus represents a step aside, perhaps even a slight step back. Content-wise, it’s as solid and engaging as Two Point Hospital, but the way it’s run on Switch just leaves something to be desired. Ultimately, Hospital is just a tighter, better package of work. That’s not to say Campus isn’t worth your time, though. I am very excited about the prospect of him getting all three stars back at each campus. The controls and UI are solid, even if the application on Two Point Hospital is a little better. At the end of the school year, simulation enthusiasts can enjoy their time as the surly old dean or best friend of all the students. Don’t forget to hire a good janitor.