The first week of the Darktide Pre-Order Beta is over, but we still have a lot to add to the game.fat shark is layout change (opens in new tab) We implement each week with a somewhat vague summary of the features we have in the works for release, but at the moment there aren’t enough unlocks worth the grind.
Over the weekend, I maxed out Zealot Preacher to level 30 just to see what features the game has or if there are any notable or secret unlocks.except cosmetic (opens in new tab) You can survive penances, several cutscenes, feats, and your arsenal class (opens in new tab), and nothing else. If you think he will only level up one character while using Darktide, I highly recommend waiting until other features are added.
It’s clear from cutscenes like Rank 11 in Sire Melk that meeting certain characters unlocks their respective shop and player features, but those features aren’t in the game yet. That said, there are weapon unlocks, some of which are particularly good. For example, Zealot’s heavy eviscerator chainsword is one of the best weapons Fatshark has ever created. Yes, using the Flamer to melt down hordes of unsuspecting Poxwalkers is a fun experience.
The problem with unlocking weapons at the moment is that I don’t know how the crafting system works and how it affects rerolls and weapon acquisition. Every time you get a cutscene, you also unlock new weapons that appear in the Requicitrium, but does it also unlock weapons for crafting like in Vermintide 2? You can get them by purchasing them or through the curiosity reward chance you get by equipping curios, but are they also craftable? I reached out to Fatshark for clarification on crafting and cosmetics.
It’s totally unclear at this point, but one thing I do know is that I don’t think it’s worth polishing up to level 30 right now. And maybe the cutscenes will be more meaningful. (opens in new tab)if you want a sense of progress that isn’t just jumping into missions and killing stuff, I think you should probably wait.