The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been a very busy franchise for a long time, but its scope expanded dramatically after Avengers: Endgame, and along with the endless stream of big-budget blockbusters, numerous television A series has appeared. While new characters are flooding into the franchise, only a few old heroes are out. And now there are more MCUs than anyone could have imagined ten years ago.
However, this overabundance of content wasn’t the best experience for fans. Because over the past few years, they’ve set up so much that it’s paid off so little. Story threads are left behind and we don’t know how they will interact in the future. It’s getting harder to even care about all of it, much less to actually track it down.
But we can help with that. You’re not reading a complete recap of the MCU’s story so far. I have more life than writing geek blogs. Instead, it’s a quick trip through the MCU, revisiting where each unresolved plot thread currently stands, and what, as far as we know, every major character did in the end. It’s up to Ant-Man & the Wasp: Quantumanias, so Note that there will be spoilers from here.
Let’s start with the latest movies.