I couldn’t stop my Star Trek Online habit. There are better MMOs out there, but no other game offers as many Treks. And while Discovery and my recent obsession with the modern mirror universe haven’t really worked out for me, the frequent nods to the classic storylines and characters keep me coming back. In Ascension, Wil Wheaton’s Wesley Crusher joins the ranks of Star Trek alumni pottering in MMOs.
However, the aforementioned obsession with the mirror universe means it’s no old-school crusher. No, this is the latest Terran emperor, all decked out in gold armor and spewing despotic rhetoric. According to Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment, “Emperor His Crusher is one of the greatest threats the galaxy has ever faced.
The mischievous Wesley causes a bit of trouble for the crew of the Enterprise in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and The Other, the Mirror Universe counterpart of V’ger, an Earth probe transformed into a conscious ship. merged with A new task force operation, Stormchaser, must battle in this alternate his V’ger to progress the Emperor’s Will event. Upon completion, you will get her new T6 ship, her Terran Sommerville.
As you can see from the trailer above, Wheaton makes a lot of it, but fails to convey the expected threat of a man who wants to destroy two universes and become a cosmic god. That’s also very true for characters who are old school geeks who have trouble making friends.
favorite Star Wars: The Old Republic (opens in new tab)I’m really just waiting for a sequel that will probably never show up, but I’m glad we’re still getting meaningful story updates leading up to Lifecycle.