Kelvin, Sons of the Forest’s default NPC companion, is nothing short of a survival game revelation. As a devoted helper, Kelvin can be commanded to complete simple tasks such as collecting sticks, chopping down trees, or snatching fish from a river with his bare hands. and will not stop until asked to do something else. 1 Kelvin is an unstoppable force. Now imagine what Kelvin’s small army could achieve.
thanks to the modder Call Me Slinky (opens in new tab) To enable the debug console mod in Sons of the Forest to make it possible (you will also need this) Unity framework mods (opens in new tab) beginning). Reddit user jrm850 (opens in new tab) Shortly thereafter, I quickly discovered that with a few javascript edits, I could spawn in as many Kelvins as I wanted. Once the debug console is in place, “addcharacter lobby 1” A command to summon Kelvin (Robbie believes it’s an old name for Kelvin used by the developers). However, jrm850 is careful not to get carried away with the cloning process.
“Theoretically you can place as many as you like, but placing too many can cause FPS issues. I haven’t had any real problems with 4 or less. Works well in multiplayer with other users.” It worked,” said jrm850. wrote on youtube Comment reply (opens in new tab).
An additional Kelvin listens for in-game notepad commands and appears to work in harmony on build projects. Did. They work very well as a unit, as if multiple NPC helpers were planned at some point. Chris says the only problem so far has been one of his Kelvin’s knocking over a tree and onto another Kelvin (which he hopes was accidental), but no one was permanently injured. I never did.
Kelvin and all his clones remain staunch pacifists, so don’t expect additional help in fighting the cannibals…but the same replication process is possible in Virginia. “addcharacter virginia 1”Virginia can fight you and even use guns, so if you spawn a lot she probably won’t be able to stop you.
Various commands and cheats can also be enabled in the debug console. This is very promising. A glance at the command list seems to allow you to change the weather, spawn arbitrary items, and summon enemies. Of course, be careful when using these mods. As CallMeSlinky points out, using the debug console “may mess up your game saves, so make a backup or be careful!”
Reduce the risk of Kelvin accidents by not filling up Sorcerer’s Apprentice (opens in new tab) With Sons of the Forest, you should be fine.