Had Square Enix bet to revive one of the dormant B-tier franchises, it wouldn’t have been. Valkyrie..I loved Valkyrie Profile On the original PlayStation … it was about it. There was a sequel mess, a non-uniform tactical spin-off in 3DS, and an overwhelming collection on mobile. After that, in the play state in MarchSquare revealed Valkyrie Elysium, Real-time action follow-up. I still can’t completely wrap my head, but whenever the publisher starts throwing the kitchen sink into the wall, I’m here for it. Elysium It looks ugly, but the deluxe version of the console comes with a PSP remaster of the original game, which is worth it only for me.
platform: PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PC
Release date: September 29, 2022 (PS4, PS5) / November 11, 2022 (PC)