After a mysterious earthquake, Takuma Momozuka encounters an unexpected adventure while playing around with historic buildings while on vacation from school.
Digimon Survive is a visual novel with elements of tactical battles that follow and guide Takuma’s dangerous journey. Your choice will be reflected in the story you experience. They can affect karma, affinity, and digitization.
Habu Kazumasa, producer of Digimon Survive, said in a recent Anime Expo Summer Showcase Panel: “In the Digimon Survive setting, Digimon basically reflect what is in the human mind, and in this kind of dangerous situation, the bond between the Digimon and its human partner is being tested. , Each choice you make has a great influence on how Digimon evolve. “
I’m here to better understand what this means when explaining the karmic system. Are you ready to see what Karma can do for you and your Digimon?
At Digimon Survive, Takuma faces many decisions, and it’s up to you as a player to make those decisions. These decisions can be as easy as what you do in the morning, or the choice of fighting or fleeing in a dire situation. Some of these decisions you make will affect your karma score. All choices are valid, but karma scores have a direct impact on certain aspects of the game. Your highest karma score will also affect the growth of Takuma’s Digimon, Agumon.
There are three types of karma: morality, harmony, and anger. Each score is colored and will always appear in the same position when prompted.
Decisions to increase your moral score can extend from a focus on justice, sacrifice, and even prudence. Morality is shown in yellow and is always the top left choice. If Takuma pursues a life of moral choice, he will find something in common with Vaccine Digimon.
Compassion, cooperation, and peace are some of the emotions that make up your score-raising choices in harmony. This score is shown in green and is always the choice on the right. Those with high Harmony scores are most compatible with Data Attribute Digimon.
Bold, direct and purpose-based. Indignation is represented in red and always occupies the choice in the upper left. These strong personality traits are most attractive to Viral Digimon.
Digimon attributes are directly related to their personality, as Takuma’s karmic determination is an indicator of his personality type. Along your adventure, you have several opportunities to recruit other Digimon. In Free Battle mode, you have the opportunity to “talk” to other Digimon like Piyomon and recruit them at the party. You will be quized about some questions related to their personality. If successful, you can recruit them or request items. The higher the karma score for the corresponding attribute, the more likely it is to be hired.
Digimon attributes also play an important role in combat. Digimon Survive employs a rock-paper-scissors combat mechanic in Vaccines> Viruses> Data> Vaccines. Keep in mind that these are not direct counters, but a rule of thumb in determining the effectiveness of an attack. In addition, Takuma’s highest karmic score determines the Digivolution Pass that Agumon can unlock. For example, if Takuma has the highest score in harmony, Agumon unlocks the Digivolutions data branch.
Rest assured that there are no wrong or correct answers to these choices, as all these decisions have been recorded and measured. Like life, you will simply need to make your decisions based on your own personal compass and find your own unique story and ending. Digimon Survive was released on Friday, July 29th on PlayStation 4, which will guide you through Takuma’s journey.