In 2018, Blizzard moved some of its development team away from the Heroes of the Storm and canceled the official competition league, the Heroes Global Championship. At the beginning of 2019, we abolished the paid loot boxes and left the option to buy in in-game currency. Heroes of the Storm was widely seen as a “dead game”, but with the addition of new heroes (such as the melee assassin Qhira and Overwatch’s Mei) and events (such as when it became cyberpunk), it was intermittent. Development continued at a slow pace. ..
Latest update of Heroes of the Storm Blog (Opens in a new tab) Announced that 7-year-old MOBAs will not receive new content, but free hero rotations and balance patches will continue. “From now on, we will support heroes in the same way as other long-standing games StarCraft and StarCraft II,” he said. “In the future, we will continue to rotate seasonal roles and heroes. The in-game shop will continue to operate, but we have no plans to add new purchase content. Future patches will be primarily client sustainability. Focus on gender and bug fixes. Balance updates will be made as needed. “
In a 2015 Heroes of the Storm review, Chris Thursten said: Therefore, do not play MOBAs. Perhaps there are even MOBAs for those who don’t like MOBAs. Sufficient MOBA viewers for casual players who remove the complexity of genre standards such as personal leveling, gold, and items, and add a comeback mechanism to make the outcome of the match less like an opening decision. It’s a pity that it wasn’t there.
As of next week’s patch, the remaining loyal players will receive a free Epic Arcane Lizard Mount as a gift. Blizzard’s blog post states: “Thank you to our hero community. You will continue to be one of our most passionate communities. Thank you for your continued dedication and support. As always, we are looking forward to it. See you in the nexus. “
You know, they never added Kyle to the roster from Blackthorn.