Almost every week something new comes Destiny 2Whether it’s an interesting new combination of elements, story beats, new activities, or elements that players are crucible and devastate each other. Iron Banter is a weekly look at what’s happening in the Destiny world and an overview of what’s drawing our attention throughout our solar system.
After weeks of plumbing Leviathan’s secrets to get an answer about Callus’ intent, we reached the end of the Haunted story season. The season has spent a lot of time building and exploring the character’s personality and trauma that we’ve been dealing with in the game for some time (and possibly years), but at the same time giving direction to wherever we go. The story of Destiny 2 that gave me is heading for the future.
When it comes to seasonal storytelling, we record Season of the Haunted as one of Destiny 2’s more powerful outings. Although a bit shorter than some of the recent episodes, it used that time to hit many emotional beats while expanding into the larger world in many important ways. A shocking amount of backstory from the Season of the Haunted, watching the development of many characters, not only in the main cast and the current villain Callus members, but also in the long-held Destiny characters. I learned.
First, the server mission. Each weekly mission focuses on one character, not so vast, but goes straight to the spirit of Crow, Zavala, and Kaiator. This served as a big reward, especially for Crow. Crow’s arc and change last year was one of dealing with his past as Uldren Sof. In the past, Crow has worked very well as a Destiny 2 semi-hero, giving him a character with a perspective that hasn’t done everything about the Guardian for hundreds of years. Ask questions about the status quo. Although the crow has emerged from its role as it grows, he still carries a lot of emotional luggage and a complex story that has unfolded since the expansion of Beyond Light. The Season of the Haunted has added a bitter spin to everything that happened with Crow last year by allowing him to see Crow tackling internal turmoil on the screen and on missions.
That same approach hints at a lot happening under the surface, but to Kaiator, a generally unfriendly and closed character, much of the struggle is dealt with in lore drops. It is reflected. I’m familiar with Caiatl’s backstory, but she just started talking about it properly. Sever gave Bungie an opportunity to show Caiatl’s vulnerabilities, and that opportunity expanded her personality in a significant way. Caiatl seems to be here as a key member of the cast. This will help you deepen the overall story of Destiny 2 as you take a closer look at the alien races and their culture. The gun is currently in a three-dimensional shape.
And when it comes to characters that existed primarily in folklore, Sever did a lot to humanize Zavala. This is what his character really needed. Vanguard’s stoic leader has been clearly beaten in the last few years of Destiny 2, but again, it rarely appears on the screen. There were some conversations and deep sighs from Zavala, but much of what happened with him, like Caiatl, was treated as a folklore of the text. So it’s great to see the bungee actually providing an emotional beat to Zavala. The guy was absolutely crushed under the burden of his responsibility, and it’s doing a lot to bring Destiny 2 to the forefront.
However, apart from the stories presented directly in Sever, I’m surprised that even smaller moments have been added to better understand the amount of stories delivered through gameplay and what’s happening. .. Everywhere in Leviathan, as you play the game, you’ll learn about the weird Elegore fungus, the inner thoughts of the callus, and the beliefs and personalities of the Nightmare character. All “Behold” patrol missions are enlightened in terms of narrative and lore-each takes you to a place in Leviathan, where you scan the environment, and from Kars himself to his broken ship. Ride and hear what’s going on. The red energy masses in the various patrol zones provide insights from characters such as Ghaul and Safiyah that further enhance the personality of the people to whom the nightmare is bound.

And even after completing the many nightmare containment activities needed to knock out the Season of the Haunted seals, they are constantly throwing out interesting narrative pieces in the form of conversations between the characters of the season. In my opinion, I’ll add a Duality dungeon, which is literally a mind-heist about stealing memories from callus. This is a lot of stories that you don’t need to read in a lore book to make Destiny 2 storytelling healthier.
If there’s a place where you think the Season of the Haunted will level off, this applies to much of Destiny 2’s storytelling, but it will pave the way for the future, whether seasonal or not. not. The story of the season is much better by guiding it one after another in a more meaningful way than before, but in the Haunted season, which is superficially the beat of the story, it’s clear what’s next. Not.
Destiny 2 often suffers from “threat” issues, and stories are less proactive than reactive. Most of the time, the new season is when the bad guys do horrible things, and players and characters scramble to deal with them. Seasons often have characters roaming around and ending with “I’m glad it’s over, but who knows what.” [Savathun/Xivu Arath/Calus/The Witness] teeth very “Planning” and “Haunted Season” feel the same. Defeated Callus at Leviathan. This has resolved the threat to some extent. The story ends with the idea that we are going to spend. In the next few weeks, we’ll wipe out the nightmares as if we were dealing with a bug epidemic. But, of course, the threat still remains and we’ll have to wait until August to find out who will make the next swing so we can track it down. Point them down and shoot your face.
I hope Bungie finds a way to deal with it in a satisfying way and acknowledges that this is like a video game problem. Each season is generally fighting some enemies, and in order to offer stakes to those enemies, they need to confront something we need to stop. There is also a desire to suppress information and surprise players. After all, keeping the details close to the best worked very well in the Season of the Haunted.

Especially when we’re heading to Lightfall, and as the name implies, I’d like to see some of these seasons end with something in a more lively note. The last transmission of Ellis Morne gave some hints on what’s happening next: The Drifter was on the Reef and enacted some unknown plans, and Ellis was in the Pyramid of the Moon. I made a discovery that sounds pretty important. However, we hope that we are familiar with much of that information, or are actively investigating aspects of that information, even in some sort of background knowledge method. Especially recently, Bungie has done a great job of making the world of Destiny 2 feel like it’s changing and responding to what’s happening in the story.If the story suggests that we are acting informed, that approach will be even stronger. we He helped shape it aggressively, taking the time to prepare for the next chapter by defeating Calus and completing the Duality Dungeon.
Still, the Season of the Haunted does a great job of advancing the Destiny 2 story, not only building its character, but also doing it on the screen and making the player feel like the active part of it. Did. All you can do is shoot things.We shot the devil, which allowed Destiny 2 characters to deal with them, and that It helped make the Season of the Haunted one of the best stories Destiny 2 told. Especially considering how powerful seasonal storytelling has been since Beyond Light. If there’s an area to improve, it’s about finding a way to make players feel responsible for pushing the story towards the next beat, but given how attractive the Destiny 2 story remains, it’s a bit of a mess. That’s the complaint.
As we approach the end of the season, we’ll go back and try to give the Season of the Haunted an overall look that covers not only storytelling but also gameplay content and mechanics. In the meantime, it’s my feelings about Haunted’s season from a story point of view, but feel free to share your own views-areas where you feel strong or particularly resonating, you. Elements I thought didn’t work-comments below.
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