Let Me Solo Her is a true video game legend (Opens in a new tab): An Elden Ring player who appears in other people’s games wearing only underwear and the worst helmet in the world and kills the toughest boss in the game with one hand. He worked hard in April to inspire widespread admiration, fan art, and even one or two dangerous impersonators. And after a few months of work, the legend of Let Me Solo Her became so big that even Elden Ring publisher Bandai Namco felt forced to pay homage to his greatness.
Bandai’s gift to Let Me Solo Her, known in the real world as Klein’s Boy, was actually sent in May, but thanks to a hang of paperwork at French Customs, it became a giant blade weapon. It seems that he had a problem. It will be sent until late. It finally arrived in the United States in late June, passed through North American customs smoothly, and was received. Yes, it’s pretty sweet.
Thank you for giving this gift to @BandaiNamcoUS and @ELDENRING and congratulating you on being #LetMeSoloHer. I still remember my first experience with the Souls Bourne series, but I almost stopped because of Iudex Gundyr in Dark Souls 3.July 6, 2022
The package is one of the 40 reported. Made for influencers (Opens in a new tab) Prior to the launch of Elden RIng, Bandai seems to have refrained from doing some things for future consideration. Includes congratulations from Namco Bandai, wood carvings in Malenia, a nice map of Lands Between, a cloak and clasp, and a centerpiece, the actual Flickin’s sword adorned with the famous “Rise, Tarnished” word. I am. That blade. Tsuboi said in Reddit that the blade is “very dull,” but thinks it’s full tongue. That is, it is made of a single piece of sturdy metal that extends from the tip of the blade to the end of the grip.
“Thank you for giving this gift to @BandaiNamcoUS and @ELDENRING and becoming #LetMeSoloHer,” Tsuboi tweeted. “I still remember my first experience with the Soulsborne series, but I almost stopped because of Iudex Gundyr in Dark Souls 3.
“This community is one of the most passionate and dedicated people I’ve ever seen in the game, and I’m proud to be part of it, so keep playing the game. I’m happy. “
Let’s take a closer look at Tsuboy’s rewards.
Despite reaching the pinnacle of Elden Ring, to be honest, where will Bandai go after giving you a literal sword? Tsuboi said yesterday, “I’m still getting stronger.” Speaking of those who haven’t faced Malenia yet, that’s certainly very good news. From me to you, this is my thanks.