There’s a new space adventure: Anikilation. what is that? This is a sci-fi space adventure game where you shoot lots of bad guys. The game has some interesting and some unfortunate aspects. Sadly, the disappointments outweigh the rest of the game.
In the game, Home Galaxy’s source of energy and technology is a type of metal called Annikylation. All of that has suddenly stopped working, so we must look for new sources of this metal or something that will help sustain civilization. You find help in your new galaxy and start exploring. You can visit a small world that looks like a planetary body, but this is where a lot of the ‘fi’ of ‘SF’ comes into play. i will kill you. You can use energy weapons, swords, shields and wits to defeat bad guys, destroy targets of interest and gather resources.
Start each round with a base pad. If you take damage (and do), you can return to the base pad to recharge. This is extremely useful, but use it sparingly as bad guys won’t stop just because you’re at the base. The mini world you have to avoid is placed on a winding road that limits how you can move from point A to point B. You may not be able to dodge it without taking a hit or two.
Between levels (mini-worlds) there is a kind of flying obstacle course. It comes out of nowhere and doesn’t make much sense, but it does.
Here are some of the things I enjoyed about this game. Game controls are uncomplicated and immediately understandable for players. The imagery isn’t bad, and the use of color and contrast is well done, increasing visual interest and making it easy for the player to select key elements. Audio is fine and works well with the game’s theme. Gameplay is relatively simple. Run around and shoot just about everything and don’t die in the process. The tried and true gaming stuff you know.
Multiple game modes come to life, and if you have another action gamer nearby, Aniquilation includes a single-system multiplayer option.
Let’s see where games can help. Start with text. Reading is one of the good things he does in life, but it gets a little annoying when faced with the whole game being all caps. Even setting aside the rule that you get yelled at when you type in all caps, text that appears in all caps is actually harder to read. If your game includes a text timer instead of the old “press A to go” option, the limited reading time can be a drawback.
I also noticed that there was an error in the translation or someone didn’t proofread the text well enough. There were question marks all over the place that didn’t belong there.
I noticed a strange glitch in the ship stats when choosing a character/ship. The stats showed all max values a few times, but when I toggle the option the stats go back to normal. This raises some questions about other issues that haven’t been shown up front that could affect gameplay.
There are some more serious flaws when it comes to gameplay. The small world as a level concept is interesting, but it uses winding roads to fit all the elements of the level. This leads to an interesting dynamic of energy weapon “bullets” flying around, but the terrain limitations aren’t enough to make this a good tactical element.
Big bad guys can hurt you quickly, but you have a shield. Unfortunately, available shield energy depletes quickly. Your base energy weapon is reasonably effective, but has upgrades that can be lost by touching almost anything or being hit by an enemy. should try to get it back to
The tutorial is so-so at best. During that period and in the first few levels, the game uses sword attacks more often than it should. It’s like a retailer trying too hard to upsell a feature you already know, but without having to shove it in your face all the time. There is a flying obstacle course that appears in This is done without warning or explanation. I also had a few instances where the ship’s maneuverability didn’t work, so I threw things into it until it died. Peach.
All things considered, I can only give Anikilation a hearty “meh.”