[Ed. note: As you might’ve guessed or hoped for, this post goes into detail about the end of season 4 of Stranger Things.]
At the time of its release Stranger Things 4 Part 2 wasn’t just about execution time, it was annoying. In the final run of the episode, the entire cast of characters eventually converged on Hawkins and defeated Vecna — hey.
They survived the battle, but the war is still approaching in a very realistic way. Vecna’s efforts to integrate the upside-down world with the normal world are more threatening than ever, now that the four rifts between the worlds hurt the towns they love. In addition, there is still an upside-down particle monster / shadow that Joyce and Hopper glimpsed in Russia.
This all sets the pretty major final season for Streaming Jaguar Notes. I’m sure the upside-down monsters will get worse this season. Knowing that the end is very close, of course, every protracted question has a little more weight than it would otherwise.in the meantime Stranger Things It is known to inflate the length of some episodes, but there are still (relatively) limited windows to conclude the journey of everyone in the cast. And that’s all before we get into solving their latest upside-down problem.
What happened to Vecna?
Image: Netflix
Ground attacks by Nancy, Robin, and Steve managed to neutralize Bekna, but both shot him out of the window. When Burned him extensively — by the time they went out he had disappeared, leaving only soot marks on the upside down ground.
Does that mean Vecna is fine and really dead? No, at least according to Will. His upside-down Spider-Man sensation told him that One / Vecna / Henry was still very alive. “Now I’m in Hawkins, so I can feel him, and he’s hurt, but he’s still alive,” Will told Mike. “It’s strange to know who he was all the time, but I can still remember his thoughts, and how He is thinking. And he’s not going to stop. So far. Until he takes everything and everyone. We have to kill him. “
What does that mean for Hawkins?
A few days after the attack on Vecna, many of the Hawkins people are already away from the “earthquake” that caused a major crack in the town. It seems that upside down is flowing into our world as vines pass through crevices and buildings, thunderstorms occur, upside down dust begins to fall, and infected ground kills vegetation around the town.
Will’s upside-down Spider-Man informs him that the storm clouds are sinking. And soon everyone in the town is looking up and trying to understand what’s happening right now. The cast of our protagonist certainly knows more about what’s happening in the air and at his feet than the normal townspeople, but it doesn’t seem to be able to stop it. When Eleven looks back at the town at the last moment of Episode 9, it’s clear that upside down is starting to take over Hawkins. As Vecna told Eleven, “This is just the beginning. The beginning of the end. You have already lost.”
Is Max dead?
Photo: Netflix
No, but Eleven can’t find her even in her headspace. Max held up for as long as possible, but Eleven’s victory in a spiritual duel and Steve, Nancy, and Robin’s upside-down victory were too late. He had already begun the process of killing Max, floating her in the air, and systematically breaking her bones. When Vecna was dispatched, Max collapsed and woke up from the trance, but she said Lucas couldn’t hear or feel anything. She died soon.
Ell refused to accept this and used her power to bring Max back to life — to some extent. We finally met Max at the hospital. She is in a coma and the doctor is not sure if she will wake up. When Ell touches her hand to keep in mind the fusion with her, she finds that Max’s brain space is completely empty. Where Max’s mind went and whether it can return to her body is one of the biggest questions towards the final season.It’s hard to believe that this is the last thing we’ve seen about Max Stranger Things..
Do Hopper and El still have matching haircuts in Stranger Things 5?
Do you know. Maybe they really connect it during this period and grow together. They could even complete the look with matching father-daughter costumes.
Seriously OK: What’s going on with Will?
Image: Netflix
Will finally showed Mike his art and started talking to him, which almost immediately urged Will to bark alone sadly as he looked out the window. When he explained the thought process behind his painting, Will talked about how difficult it was to be different from others and was pretty clear and emotional about it.
Mike was unaware of what Will was experiencing all year long, but Jonathan (who had just cleared the weeds) was finally a clue. in the meantime. “I don’t want you to forget that I’m here. I’m always here because you’re my brother and I love you,” Jonathan said. “There is nothing in this world that will change it. There is absolutely nothing.”
Unfortunately, after the hug, Will returned to playing a supporting role and had no solution as to what was happening with him throughout the season. In Part 1, when he was melancholy comforting Mike, he talked about Ell again in a way that felt like he was talking about the fear of having himself. “Sometimes it’s scary to open that way and say how you feel,” he told Mike at the moment of charging episode 5.
He is Might be so It’s just out of shape about the issue of Mike’s relationship with Elle, but could something more happen in his and his own seijin-shiki story? Some feel that Will is accumulating stories of coming out to his friends and family.But now Stranger Things 4Unknown.
Are Nancy and Steve going back together?
Photo: Tina Rowden / Netflix
Just when you thought Stranger Things Since it was done in a love triangle, we are studying amorous trigonometry again. After spending the entire season trying to find the perfect girl, Steve finally got pretty to Nancy, and she was one of his fantasies about raising six Harringtons and road tripping around the country. Upon hearing this, Nancy seemed intrigued or at least flattered by her.
She was certainly interested in protecting how Steve had “grown” into Jonathan. Stranger Things 4.. They eventually returned together in Hawkins, but if it still makes sense together, the season ended with the two of them dancing awkwardly. He apologized for Nancy being far away, but she still lied about his plans to attend the same college as her. And it’s clear that this season’s events have made Nancy rethink her feelings for Steve. Overall, it doesn’t seem to be sunny for Jonathan and Nancy, Vecna, or No.
Where do Russians take into account?
It took the whole season for the kids to know that Joyce, Murray and Hopper were in the Soviet Union. We also found that they were supporting the battle with Vecna’s army by attacking monsters related to the collective spirit. Ultimately, the hopper rescue mission to Russia was essential, but I often felt that it was quite ancillary to the rest of the season.
Still, important discoveries have been made. The Soviet Union continues to be in contact with upside down, and seems to be more willing to understand exactly what the deal is and how to use the monster, rather than Brenner. Joyce and Hopper come across a (now gone) laboratory of demo dogs, other upside-down monsters, and “particle monsters” that resemble the primitive forms of mind flares.
Is the US Army still looking for Eleven?
When Eleven shot down a helicopter in the Nevada Desert, they were castrated as an element of conspiracy, but they were (for a while) very worried about how Eleven would handle her power.Now she has become herself When Hawkins, Indiana, at first glance, has turned into one giant gate. You will think that her army has the bones to choose with her. And, or a note of her apology for not helping her stop this! Is there a better time to repair the fence and work together than at the end of the world?
Is there a time jump in Season 5?
Photo: Netflix
The last moment of Stranger Things 4 It seems that it is set to return to battle immediately, but time skipping may occur. For starters, Mike didn’t feel Elle was ready to fight Vecna again, so she might have to train more with Yoda to access the true depth of her power. said. In addition, Bekna is still recovering, and if Max takes her action, in addition to Eleven finding her missing mind, she needs to heal her body.
Duffer brothers In an interview, he said that sometimes time jumps could occur as the cast had to cover the fact that it continued to grow. “I’m sure we’ll make a time jump,” Ross Duffer said. I told TVLine in June 2022Note the fact that young stars are aging rapidly. “Ideally we would have shot [seasons 4 and 5] Back to back, but there was no viable way to do that. So all of this will be discussed with the writer when we set up the room. “
It’s hard to imagine that the Hawkins foundation can withstand that too As more time passes during the season, it will certainly give Elle more time to train and Max to recover.
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Do you have a heavy synth remix in your mix right now? Whoboy. This is the resurrection of Kate Bush!